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"Don't be too much trouble for your mum, ok Micheal?" I kissed him on the top of his head.

He rolled his eyes, "I won't Gemma. Promise."

"You know if I get a bad report..."

"No cake and no phone for two weeks." He finished.

We looked at each other and burst out laughing. My step son knew I wouldn't do anything to punish him but I already had to act the authoritarian role. He had grown so much in the last five years. Eight years old and already as sassy as the rest of us. I ruffled his blonde hair as he went to leave, only to be intercepted by Kirk at the door who lifted him up and spun him around, showering the boy in kisses all over him as he tried to pull away.

"Dad!" He whined, "I'm eight."

Kirk put him down, "So what? As far as I am concerned you will always be my little boy."

Micheal rolled his eyes but hugged his father anyway. In the end custody was given to Aayla, Kirk's ex, but with a year it was reversed. She had used his job and the long hours against him, only to neglect to mention her abusive boyfriend. Luckily for that guy, he never struck Micheal or else I'm pretty certain Kirk would have killed him but it meant Micheal lived with us full time and saw his mum only on weekends, the boyfriend was out.

Kirk came back inside and slowly closed the door. In my day dream I hadn't noticed he had walked Micheal out. He came over to me, wrapping his arms around me and peppered kisses all over my face. I mockingly cried out, only to return them moments later. God I loved this man.

"A weekend alone. Just the two of us?" He smirked.

I scoffed, "It would have been if you weren't on bloody nights this weekend. Go and have a nap, I'm not putting up with you being moody."

"You could always join me..."

I rolled my eyes, "Then we wouldn't be sleeping."

"Am I at least allowed to make a cup of tea?" He bargained.

I rolled my eyes as we wandered into the kitchen, "One cup."

"Yes mum."

I smiled as I hoisted myself onto the kitchen counter, watching from my perspective as he made his tea, gently pulling my body forward or to the side depending on which cupboard he was trying to get into. He placed a kiss on the back of my neck when he pulled me forward to retrieve two mugs. I giggled. He knew me too well.

"The party last weekend was fun," Kirk said finally.

I snorted, "Yeah up until we saw your sister and my dad fucking on the sofa. Which is the second time for me."

"Ouch. Your poor eyes," he replied, "At least the kids are doing well."

I sighed, "Baby..."

"I wasn't going to say anything," he sighed before shrugging, "I know you don't want kids now, I just wonder if ever?"

I pulled him into me, securing my legs around his waist and my arms holding onto his shoulders. We had talked about his before which is why I was terrified of becoming too attached to both him and Micheal. I didn't want this to be the reason we broke up, especially not after five great years.

"Look baby. I know you want kids and I'm glad you want to have them with me but I don't know if that is something I want," I swallowed, "Maybe in the future I'll change my mind but right now? I'm only twenty five so we got time." He laughed, "And I mean if you can't accept that I may never want kids then...maybe...we shouldn't..."

He shut me up with a kiss. His body closing the gap between us. Kirk inched my body closer to his as if trying to make us become one. His kiss was lustful and rough, he had relinquished all control. His lips trailed down my neck, sucking and releasing the skin with audible pops, enough to make me moan to the ceiling.

"I love you. Kids or no kids that won't change." He popped the skin on my collar, "I want you more than any of it."

"How much do you want me," I moaned, my hip jerking involuntary.

He raised an eyebrow, "What happened to sleep?"

I rolled my eyes, "As if that was ever going to happen."

His lips caught mine once again, worshipping my own. His fingers like fire as they trailed under my skirt, hurriedly yanking down my pants so my legs could once again be wrapped around him. I fumbled with his belt and jeans as he impatiently yanked open the buttons until the dress was completely open. Kirk's lips stimulated the skin of my breast and his hands through the fabric of my bra. He had to undo the last of his underwear as my head lolled back, moaning his name. He positioned himself near me, he loved it when I took him. That I did. I guided his cock into my vagina, savouring each additional inch of skin. My heels on the back of his thigh pushing him in until he bottomed out.

"Now move!" I cried.

His wicked smile danced on his lips as his cocked moved within me. My heels dictated the paw set, digging in when I wanted more. His rough thumbs providing an intense stimulation to my clit making my hips buck into his. I yanked off his top, wanting him as exposed as I was. My hands wandered my own body, playing with my breasts eliciting a wanton moan from Kirk. I knew what I liked during sex and he enjoyed seeing me fall into bliss. I could feel my face screw up as I felt my orgasm build, my breathing slowing to a stop as it hit. My hands raked over his chest, flicking his nipples as he followed my climax. He held himself there, head against my chest with small thrusts to milk himself within me. I couldn't complain other than the over sensitivity.

He murmured. "What was that babe?" I asked.

"Marry me," he repeated.

I forgot how to breath, "What?"

"Marry me," Kirk stated, "Marry me and make me the happiest man alive."

I laughed, "More so than my dad?"

"Don't talk about him now but yes!" He murmured, "I love you."

"Even if I don't want kids?"

"Even then."

I smiled, "Yes!"

I pulled him into me, kissing him intensely. He gently pulled himself out of me, but we remained just as close. I never wanted this moment of bliss to end. I didn't care that we had the most messed up family tree, I loved Kirk and I wanted to be with him. Sam will freak when she finds out.

"Where my rock?" I asked.

"Rock?" He questioned.


He smiled, embarrassed, "It wasn't planned. It just felt right."

"Cheapskate!" I teased.

He kissed me again, "You know me so well." I rolled my eyes, "Don't worry. I will buy you one.... you just gotta wait until payday."

I smiled, "I can live with that." I kissed him again, "I was serious about that nap though."

Kirk laughed, "Maybe you could reconsider joining me?"

I pressed my forehead to his, "Yes."

My best friend's brother (one shot) (completed) Where stories live. Discover now