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The window creaked softly as the lithe figure pushed over the sill into the room. He paused for a moment as he listened to the house. When the silence remained undisturbed he smiled and straightened up before walking over to the bed. There a young omega girl was sound asleep, tangled up in her own arms. Her soft flowery scent permeated the room, making the intruder’s alpha instincts purr as he stalked towards the bed.

Jeff sat on the edge of the mattress and gazed down at the omega. He’d been watching her for the past couple weeks, ever since spotting her walking back to the bus after a late night out with a group of girls. Her name was Jennifer Snow and she was a second year at the local omega high school. He’d been captivated by her scent and the peal of her laughter. He’d followed her home and had been keeping an eye on her ever since. Even his hunts had been put on hold in favor of tracking the omega’s daily life.

Tonight would be part one in his plan. As much as he wanted to sweep the little omega away, he knew she wasn’t ready for that yet. He’d start off small. He’d brought a well-worn hoodie, making sure that it was the lest bloodstained on in his collection, for her to keep. He’d read that omegas couldn’t resist the smell of a good alpha. Jeff was positive that once she’s had a night wrapped in his scent she’d start to fall for him before even meeting him. The website had said that alpha’s who became engaged to their omegas when they were small would do this to help smooth the transition over. Buzzing with excitement, he carefully peeled back her comforter and tucked his hoodie around her before replacing the blanket.

The alpha watched the girl intently, waiting for some sort of reaction. She had to notice it, even in her sleep she had to notice his rich scent wrapped around her. Jeff pulled his beloved knife from his pocket and began to finger the blade, brushing his thumb across the sharp steel carefully while he watched her. After what felt like ages the omega girl gave a soft sigh in her sleep and shifted, snuggling deeper into his hoodie and her warm sheets. Victory swelled in Jeff's stomach as he got to his feet. He leaned over and pressed a kiss to the omega's forehead, lingering to breathe on their mixed scents.

Satisfied with the results, the lanky man pocketed his knife and turned back towards the window. As he perched in the escape route, he gazed back at his prize, the precious omega who would soon be his perfect doll. His sweet pet to lavish with attention. He would give her anything she wanted, no matter the cost or the pains it would bring him. Well… aside from her freedom that is. Although, once the imprinting was done, what need would she have for that anyway. Grinning to himself, the alpha slipped into the tree outside her window, softly closing the glass panes behind him as he disappeared into the night.

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