What Did It Cost

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Tony woke up suddenly lying in a pool of water, he got up with a groan his armour was gone and he stood there in a smart suit and tie, almost identical to the one he had worn over ten year ago when he announced to the press conference and the world his secret identity.

"The truth is...I am Ironman" he heard the memory replay in his head with a small sigh "God, I was a different man back then" he thought to himself as he reflected on his life and all of his choices, the good, the bad, all of it.

As he did he looked around at where he was

"Where the hell am I?" he asked himself staring at the beautiful sunset which was making everything glow in a bright, burning orange "Am I dead?" he thought as he walked towards it, he could vaguely remember the battle against Thanos but it was all a bit of a blur right now, with some parts sticking out more than others.

"Mister Stark...we won, Mister Stark" Peter cried to him

"Tony...its okay, we're gonna be okay, you can rest now" Peppers voice rang out clearly, confirming to him what he suspected to be the case 

"I'm sorry Miss Potts" he whispered as a single tear made its way down his face as he mourned everything he had been forced to sacrifice to save everyone he loved and held dear. He found himself staring at an old looking building, maybe that would hold some answers so he picked up his pace and walked towards it.

He saw someone sat down on some steps looking away from him and peering out at the sunset, a woman with bright red hair and a familiar looking black shield uniform came into view, he walked towards her in shock not expecting to see her again.

"Agent Romanoff...did you miss me?" he said in a quiet voice behind her making her turn around to face him with a small smile.

"Tony" she said offering him a seat next to her which he gladly accepted 

"Nat... I thought you were...where are we?" he asked her, his brain hurting as a million questions went whizzing through his head.

"I have no idea" she told him a clear question was in her eyes "Did we win?" she asked him softly.

"I think we did...yes" he said solemnly, Nat just nodded her head slowly.

"What did it cost us Tony?" 

"Everything" he sighed looking down at the floor, Nat reached out and held his hand 

"You saved everyone and that's what mattered" she consoled him, Tony nodded his head.

"Do you think they know?" he wondered staring into the sunset 

"I know they do" she told him confidently "And they'll always remember" 

He smiled at that thinking of his beloved Pepper and their daughter Morgan and the team he had been apart of from the very beginning  

"What a team we started huh?" he murmured making Nat smile 

"Indeed we did" she replied reminiscing all the fights, the adventures and the times they had had together.

"What now?" he wondered out loud 

"We rest and let the others save the world" she replied with a sigh

"Sounds like a plan" he agreed as they both stared out at the sunset getting lower and lower in the sky he uttered his final words to his daughter hoping that, even though he was a long way from home, she would be able to hear him.

"I love you three thousand" he whispered as everything went dark.

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