♡ one ♡

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Hi! This is my first fic so I'm a little too excited-
anyway, let's start.

   There will be bottom chanyeol so if you hate that then leave- just kidding but if it isn't your cup of tea, plz no hate.

   Chanyeol is 20, Sehun and Baek are 23-24.

3 R D   P E R S O N ' S   P . O . V •

    Two sophisticated young men strolled through the park, biting the ends of their stuffed burritos for lunch and sipping on a can of coke, the satisfying burn of bubbles going down their throats. The brown haired one, Baekhyun, checked his wristwatch. Still, a solid 10 minutes before work started again. The black-haired one, Sehun, threw the remains of his burrito into a garbage bin nearby and the two continued strolling.

   They talked about the most random of things, from their mean boss' terrible choice of underwear to which pickles tasted the best. Their boss was Baekhyun's uncle, that's how both scored perfect on the interview, but he wasn't exactly the nicest person. He yelled, a lot. A new project was coming up and their shifts have been all over the place. This peaceful afternoon was the only time they had to breathe and collect themselves before they would be pushed around again like rats.

   Baekhyun turned his hand into a fist and hit his chest lightly a few times to let out a manly burp and chuckled. Sehun laughed too, almost choking on his leftover coke. Soon they were done and started to head back on the wooden path that led to a tall glass building, their company. The similar feeling of dread filled the pits of their stomachs and they sighed in annoyance, walking slower but they both knew their shift wouldn't be over until two hours later so there was no point of pretending to be late.

   "Sometimes I really hate work," Baekhyun sighed, slouching and dragging his feet across the floor.

  "Me too," Sehun groaned. Suddenly, his eyes lit up as he saw a certain someone walking down the path. "Remember that party we threw a few days ago?" he asked the brown haired male.

  "Yeah? What about it?" Baekhyun hummed, turning to look at the other man.

  Sehun pointed forward and a silly smirk plastered onto his lips. "That girl that asked you for your number."

  There was a woman with long pink hair, obviously dyed but the colour was running out to reveal dark chocolate brown hair. Her top two buttons of her shirt were unbuttoned and her red skirt was pulled up a little, almost revealing her stuff. If she bent down then her skirt would've hitched up. Baekhyun honestly did not want to think about that, just anything else but that. The way she looked said a lot about her personality, however, she was the opposite. Soft and petite but she liked working.

   She smiled softly and waved at the two boys coming her way. Everybody knew Sehun kind of liked men so no one tried to hit on him. Unfortunately for Baekhyun, he was in between choosing both genders. He didn't have time to date so he didn't bother, his workload was enough to keep him busy. Baekhyun often got called by his worried mother, asking for a daughter-in-law.

   Anyway, the woman clicked down the wooden path with her 2-inch heels. Baekhyun bowed down halfway to greet her and Sehun did too. She did and politely smiled before standing in front of her interest. It created an awkward tension between everyone. The air became thicker and Baekhyun found it harder to breathe.

   "Did you see the message I sent you?" She asked after greeting him, her hopes up of the latter going on a date with her.

   "N-No... I'm sorry. I'll make sure to check it," Baekhyun coughed. Sehun patted his back while smiling like a fool and then turned to the woman, "Baekhyunnie here is quite busy, what a charming man. I'll make sure he gets the message, bye!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2019 ⏰

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