The only chapter lmao

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(Alex, Nico, and Molly saved Chase and Karolina and are currently driving through the middle of a desert)

Chase: could ya slow down Wilder! I think we lost them, as in Jonah's family, you don't need to go all fast and furious anymore.

Alex: Well maybe we wouldn't be in this situation if Karolina hadn't fucking triggered the emergency alarm in her feeding tube!

Karolina: It isn't a feeding tube Alex! And I didn't trigger it, something else did.

Nico: What happened to my mom? And why was she keeping you in those tubes?

Karolina: I have no clue, but I think Xavin knows. Once we go back to the hostel we could ask her and I can check up on my mom.

Chase: Yeah, by the way, I just checked the GPS and we are miles off the route to the hostel. Wilder, care to explain where we're going?

Alex: I'll explain once we get there.

Chase: I'm really sick and tired of you keeping stuff from us, I just got out of a fucking tube in my basement, you could atleast tell me something.

Alex: I said "when we get there"

Chase: Well guess what Wilder you better tell my or I will send our coordinates to Jonah!

Nico: Chase! Don't!

Chase: Nico, How can i trust Wilder when all he has done to us is lie?

Alex: I'm not lying!

Chase: could've fooled me twice.

*Chase and Alex continue to argue*

Molly: GUYS! Shut up!

*molly takes a deep breath*

Molly: We found out where Dale took Gert...

Chase: wait... that's where we're going?

Alex: *laughs to himself* you better start writing your apology letter/ Will because Gert is gonna kill you.

*chase internally freaks out but isn't subtle in showing how scared he is*

~ 3 hours pass by: it's now 4pm~

—the runaways enter a sweet suburban neighborhood that seems too good for two people that are on the run (Dale and Gert)—

Alex: We have arrived! Everyone care to step out? I'm gonna try and find some gas in that gas station. *points to across the street*

-alex goes into the gas station-

Karolina: are you sure you're ready for this Chase?

Molly: you know, Chase, if you want we could go in first and meet you in there later?

*chase nods and takes a deep breath*

Chase: thanks Molls.

—Karolina and Molly exit the car and look around at this new place Gert has found herself in—

Nico: *turns back to Chase in the car* Calm down. It's been a month. There is no way Gert has held a grudge that long.

*Nico gets out of the car*

—Chase gets out of the car because he knows it will force himself to come face to face with Gert, something he was nervous to do for so long—

(Alex comes back and joins Nico, Karolina, Molly, and Chase. Molly quickly taps the doorbell, eagerly waiting for her sister to open the door)

"here we fucking go." Chase says under his breath

The door opens.

Gert is behind the door with a shocked look on her face.

Karolina: long time, no see huh?

*Gert smiles as big as she could*

Gert: HOLY SHIT! I cant believe you're all really here!

*gert goes to hug everyone but stops once she sees Chase*

Chase: sooooooooo how's your anxiety doing because mine is through the roof!

*an awkward silence is placed on this group of estranged friends*

Gert: Come in guys!

*Gert rushes to the kitchen and a loud crash is made, then two laughs*

Alex, Karolina, Nico, Molly, and Chase ,confused, walk to the kitchen to find Gert baking with a mysterious girl.

Alex: "ahem" who is this Gert?

Gert, with a scared look on her face, stumbles and stutters to answer the question. She looks at Chase and continues to stutter.

Molly: Gert?

The Mysterious Girl looks over to Gert and sees that her anxiety is starting to kick in.

Mysterious Girl: how about I introduce myself? My name is Sage. I'm Gert's girlfriend!

The kids, completely shocked, can't make out any words.

Sage: And your names are?

Alex: *stumbling on his words* Alex. Wilder. Alex Wilder.

Nico: *waving her hand to say hello* Nico.

Karolina: I'm Karolina! Nice to meet you!

Molly: OMG I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! I KNEW Gert was bi!!!!

Gert: "Molly..." *whispering in an angry tone*

Molly: Sorry! I'm Molly! Gert's sister!

Sage: So nice to meet you guys! Gert talks so much about you all! *looks over the Chase* I'm so sorry, what's your name?

Chase still extremely confused with a mix of sad and disbelief struggles to say his name.

Chase: M-My na-name is-

Gert: Chase. His name is Chase.

Sage: oh. Gert's ex. Never thought to meet you like this! But nice to meet you!

Chase: nice to meet you too.

Sage starts to hug Gert is a couple-y kind of way and Chase couldn't help but to scream internally.

Chase wonders to himself if he lost the chance to ever get back together with the girl he loved.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2019 ⏰

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