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A quick reminder:
Y/n= your name
L/n= last name
H/c= hair colour
E/c= eye colour

The cold breeze of winter hits my face and blows through my h/c hair, I feel a slight chill run down my spine giving me goosebumps as I walk up the bleachers. The smell of cigarettes came from underneath me. I put my backpack down on the cold steel seat sitting down and I grab my earphones from my pocket to listen to music when my phone slips out of my pocket, sliding through the cracks of the bleachers and landing on the grass below. I notice someone down there.
"Damn it" I sigh under my breath and get up, not wanting to talk to anyone and leaving my things behind to retrieve my phone.

"Did you happen to see a phone fall down here?" I point up to where I was sitting, he looks over at me, I move closer to the boy. He had dark brown hair and hazel eyes, he wore a hoodie with a jacket on top and black skinny jeans with old school vans that had looked worn. He sat with his legs crossed, taking puffs of the cigarette between his lips that took turns in between his fingers.

"I did, here you go." He said lazily, taking another puff of his cigarette and handing me my phone.
"Thanks" I grab my phone from his hands and my fingers graze on his, his fingers were cold.

"See you around" I say and cross my arms, trying to gain warmth.
"Yea, see you around" he sighs, he seemed defeated about something he was thinking about. But I don't know this boy, so I walk back up the bleachers and sit down in the corner with a warm coffee and listen to my music and think as the smell of cigarettes disappear.

I know this is a short chap but it's just an intro to the characters and how they meet which is pretty important to the story I guess, I hope you enjoyed and stick around for more longer chapters :)<3

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