Chapter One

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"Thank you!" 

The crowd cheers as the man takes a sip of water and fountains it up into the sky above him. He is Xavier. The king of magic and all tricks like that. 

"And for our next show we will be here tomorrow night!" 

It was their local stadium, in their city of dreams, L.A., and soon they were to go for tour, as Xavier had informed Michelle a fortnight ago. She now produced herself from backstage and joined the rest and they bowed as the curtains pulled. 

"Man. that was great!" Xavier exclaimed as all the lights shut down. 

The show was over.

It was just the five of them, Xavier being the leader. Cass and Theo were twins, and Janet the manager, but helped out with production too. They were all a true team and nothing could stop them from achieving world dominance. 

They walked backstage and Cass jumped up to touch the ceiling. 

"Man, did you see me out there?" He was obviously talking about the part where he flew in from the sky wearing nothing but Arab pants and holding a rose in between his teeth. He later gave that Rose to a sweet girl who apparently slipped him her number and then ran to centre stage to assist Xavier with his fire magic. 

"Next time we might just fit jet boosters and allow you to swing up till the last seats. " Theo joked, and Xavier laughed. 

Everyone scattered to their parts of the green room, and that's when Xavier and Michelle locked eyes. 

They always hung out after their shows, sometimes they had pizza and ice cream, sometimes they walked around and talked for hours but today, Xavier had something else in mind. 

He looked at her

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He looked at her. She blushed. 

They walked off from the rest and started strolling down the hallway. Everyone knew they had a thing so nobody planned on following. 

"You were amazing tonight" He looked at her, all mesmerised. "Like always" he added, averting his gaze just a little so they both blushed again. The room filled with love and joy, she smiled at him and cupped his face in her hands, he shivered and then it came back to him. 

Everything he learnt about magic was real. True magic was the love in her eyes, the way he felt when they touched. The way her brown blonde hair fell in her blue green eyes. 

"So were you." She beamed at him, " Like always" she added with her lips pursed and eyes all filled with joy and faith. 

He never wanted to break her. Or this faith. Never. 

He tucked a stray lock behind her ears and kissed her. Not their first kiss but it meant something special to them, always.

They fought long and hard to reach here. And they have had their own set of battles. 

Talking about them might take forever but i must tell you in short. 

First Michelle. 

When her Mom was 16, she was pregnant with her and the dad was never good enough to take responsibility . When she turned 6, her Mom left her with her grandparents to pursue her career and died in a car accident when she was 9. 

At the tender age of 14, her grandfather passed away, taking away any shred of hope she had for a father figure in her life. It has been her grandmother and herself ever since, they lived off of the few savings their grandfather had for 5 years and when she turned eighteen, she left her granny to come to LA where she met Xavier and saw the talent in that 19 year old boy. 

Always interested in gymnastics, when the couple hit it off from their first meet, they decided to group up and then they met Janet and everything is uphill since then. She sends her grandmother most of her earnings and lives minimally in the city, with Xavier. 

Now, Xavier's past is a little darker. 

When he was 4, his dad died doing a magic trick that went wrong. He got it from his father, and used all his old equipment to teach himself all the things he saw but there was more than that in his fathers old stuff. There were books about Magic; real Magic. His fathers Magic ring that he used to wear around his neck now fitted his index finger perfectly. He never parted ways with his father, always in his heart.

 Druggie Mom was the one to raise him, but she had boyfriends on and off and not all treated him right. He was often beat up and then one day, when her mom's abusive boyfriend, Rufus came in drunk, he started hitting Xavier. He whipped his leather belt and made a few marks on his face. 

That night he grabbed his stuff in a small box including his fathers equipment and books and ran away at the age of 15, where he became a street performer, (getting mugged a couple of times taught him how to fight and take care of his belongings. Living in a cardboard box  for almost a year was when his mother found him again and did away with her boyfriend. 

They had a short reunion because as soon as Xavier turned 17, he left home again, but this time, he had money for a studio apartment because of all the magic shows and performances he did in the meantime. 

He found a fire inside him for magic and the likes of that, he almost joined a cult and that's how he found Cass and Theo. They were all recruited as boys that were interested and in the business of street performances and were taken under the wings of an overlord called Beulah, but they escaped and started their own thing. 

Before he met Michelle, he was too taking drugs like his Mom, but after Michelle's light came into his life, they decided to start over together.  

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2019 ⏰

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