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Welcome my readers, to POTC: World's End

(One week later) Natalia's POV

I reach Singapore safely and dock. I doubt the others would arrive for a while. They have a lot to plan before they can rescue Jack. I get out of the dingy with my bag and head for the nearest inn. Where I'm given a room for the night and decide to rest. That I'd speak to Sao Feng in the morning.

But that didn't go quiet according to plan. When a few of his pirate kidnapped me from my room. I fought back of course. However, was quickly restrained and gagged. I'm brought before Sao Feng and made to kneel before him as my gag is removed.

"Is this anyway to treat a partner or fellow captain?" I ask him.

"One who sinks one of my ships?" he asks me and I remain silent. "You know I liked you Captain Fox, I helped you into the pirate community. And this is how you repay me? By destroying one of my ships and being a spy for the navy" he states.

"Sao Feng, I can assure you. I never I'd be..." I start to say.

"Caught" he says cutting me off. "But you have been caught, your crew has already suffered for their treachery. It's now your turn" he states.

"You don't want to kill me" I tell him smirking.

"Oh and why don't I want to kill you?" he asks me.

"I'm very valuable and there are those who'd pay a nice ransom for me" I state.

"Oh really, who?" he asks me.

"If I told you that, it wouldn't be a secret anymore" I tell him smirking. "I had really hoped you'd loan me a ship. So that I could go to shipwreck cove and retrieve my ship. But I see now, I should of gone to Tortuga" I state.

"The keeper of the code may believe you to be trust worthy. But I do not" he tells me.

"You're only bitter because I took out one of your ships. Otherwise you'd trust in Captain Teague's judgement" I state. He back hands me, but I barely move.

"You will learn your place in this world and I shall gladly teach you" he tells me. "Take her and dress her" he orders. Two guards and his maid took me to a room. Where his maids force me into a black kimono with red sash. Before I'm locked in the room.

I sit on the bed examining the room and see no window. The door is to only way in or out. Soon Sao Feng enters the room. But I don't move. "The kimono suits you" he states.

"I still don't get why I'm here" I tell him. He slaps me again and I groan in pain.

"Women speak only when asked to speak or asked a question" he tells me firmly. "I told you, I'd teach you your place in this world" he states. He places his fingers under my chins having me look into his eyes. "Now you will serve me as a slave until such time I say otherwise" he declares.

I really want to snap at him. But I know if I did I'd get worse then a slap. "Very good, you're learning to hold your tongue" he says stroking my swollen cheek. He goes to a bowl of water and dips a clothe into it. He then places the cool damp clothe on my cheek. "See, good behavior is rewarded" he states.

"Now, you shall be escorted to the kitchens. You must learn to cook, clean and other tasks" he tells me. "But know this, no man will touch you so long as you're under my protection. So be sure to stay on my good side" he adds.

"When I give you an order, you say 'yes master' or 'right away master'. When I ask a question, you answer 'yes' or 'no master'. You shall also be taught my language, learn quickly" he tells me. Then leaves as the guards reappear. They take me to the kitchens. Where I'm put to work preparing the vegetables.

I pray the others arrive soon and rescue me from this nightmare. I'd hate for Sao Feng to touch me. I can only stay on his good side and hope he keeps his hands to himself. Until the others arrive, I shall be a good little maid. No matter, how much I despise calling him master. He's still better then Beckett any day in my book. For now, at least.


Picture above of Sao Feng and his maids Lian & Park. Picture on the external link of Natalia's kimono.

Fox or Swann?: World's EndWhere stories live. Discover now