Devious Illustions

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Devious Illusion

There was nothing remotely special about Avery Quinn, at least that's what she told herself. At five foot two, on a good day, with fiery red hair she was a quiet little thing. More apt to stay to herself rather than venture out among the people. She was shy with slate grey eyes but had a quick tongue and temper when the occasion called for it. She had a love for animals and plants, preferring their company much more than actual people. So when the sleek black blue eyed cat showed up on her door step she didn't think twice.

She had just gotten home from her job at the local bookstore, her arms full of groceries when she was nearly tripped up by the tiny little creature.

"Well hello there." She said as the cat seemed to look at her in annoyance. "Where did you come from?" She asked as she struggled to open the door with her key. She didn't think much more of it as she brought her bags to her kitchen, disposing them into the island. She spent the next few minutes putting things away and eventually wandering into her living room plopping unceremoniously onto her couch. With her remote in hand she mindlessly turned on the TV and started shuffling through the channels when she got the feeling that she was being watched. She turned her head to the left and let out a gasp as she jumped to her feet.

"How did you get in here?" She asked not really expecting an answer but was slightly surprised when the creature let out a yowl. Sitting in her chair was the same black cat from before. It sat there watching her and did the slow blink that cats do. She stared back trying to figure out how it has gotten into her house. It sat in her chair as if it was its own personal throne and she could swear it was smirking at her. She sighed and shook her head as she picked it up.

"As much as I like cats, you just can't be here." She opened the door and gently put it back outside. The cat seemed to yowl in protest as she shut the door. She instantly felt a bit of guilt about it but pushed the thought aside. She made her way back to her couch and went to sit again only to be met with the same set of eyes as before. There it was in the exact same place that she had just removed it from not more than a minute before.

"Now how did you get back in here? I literally just put you out." The cat meowed in response. "You really can't stay here." In truth and if she was being completely honest there really was no real reason not to keep the small creature. She just had issues with attachments. She became attached too quickly and it usually ended badly, for her. She sighed once again as she picked it up. The cat began to purr and rub its head on her chin. "Awe, you don't fight fair." Yet she still resisted, hard as it was. She stroked its fur and placed the creature back out on the front porch. She could have sworn she got a glare as she once again closed the door. She had decided to put it out of her mind and to move on with her life. Hoping that would be the end of it. She was wrong, so very wrong.

Later that night as she was in the shower, her thoughts turned back to that little black cat that was still currently curled up on her welcome mat in front of her door. She knew because she had made sure to check on it more than once. It was probably just hungry, or lost. She felt her reserve waver and vowed to check on it one more time before bed. If it had moved on she would leave it alone, if not, well she would at least feed the creature. She couldn't live with herself if she didn't do something. She finished her shower, dressed and walked into her bedroom only to stop short at what she saw in front of her.

"How?" She asked the cat that now lay on her pillow all curled up. It looked up at her with its wide sleepy eyes blinking a few times. "How do you keep getting in here?" She asked again. It didn't escape her notice that she was speaking to a cat that wouldn't or couldn't talk back to her. She sighed and sat in the middle of the bed. The cat regarded her for a moment before getting up, stretching and wandering over to her. She looked down at it as it started to rub on her hand. This lead to her placing her hand on the creatures head and the cat purred in response. Next thing she knew the cat was in her lap. Damn. She thought to herself as she sighed again and finally relenting. "Fine, one night because frankly I'm too tired to go another round. But in the morning we need to have a talk." The cat meowed and placed its paws on her chest pushing its head under her chin again before returning back to her pillow. In a matter of seconds the cat was fast asleep once again. She let out a chuckle. "Well you are a mischievous one aren't you?" She said as she settled herself under her blankets. "Don't get too comfortable." She turned her back and missed the almost smile the cat held. The next morning after some of the best sleep she had had in a long time the cat was still there. Instead of being on her pillow the small ball of fur had managed to tuck itself up under her hair at the nape of her neck. She knew it would take a lot for the cat to allow itself to separate from her. Apparently she had required a new pet.

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