Fairytales - Hopeless Hope

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Those things that give us faith,

That we're forced to believe in,

To give us strength

People write to escape from our world

People read to escape from their world

Everybody wants an escape

But from what?

The world they created.

The world they're responsible for the destruction of.

I listen to my mother read the last line of Macbeth

How can we have faith, when even

Shakespeare was put to death

Geniuses of History die

No one can escape death.

Mortality is our greatest weakness

But in the end we all welcome it.

We're forced to believe in fairy tales

To have our brains indoctrinated

To believe there’s a fair world out there, that can be shaped into anything that we want,

But how can that be so?

When we look up at our skyline, it is seen from elsewhere,

From different eyes

That see different things everyday

Some see the blazing fires of war

Some see the blood in floods

Some see the anger and strengths in hurricanes

Some see the purity in water as it drowns them uncontrollably

Some see the harshness of the hand misused

Some see the blood ties disintegrate.

Some see their homes destroyed

Man should never live to see their son die at the hands of another.

To go to a funeral in black, knowing their heir is in the coffin,

Nails sealing their doom.

Man’s doom.

No man should ever bury their son.

We can all agree on this.

So how can you sit back in your comfy office and order the killing of a son!

You so wrongly see them as lower than you.

When it was you who destroyed another

You call them Soldiers of War, every country takes pride in their Army.

But why? Why would we be proud and award medals to those who so willing take another’s life!

We live in the 21st Century so how can death be approved of? Not even a quick death!



Nuclear Weapons!


And shitloads of armour for you, which means you obviously fear death.

Afraid to welcome the Abyss

The reason? Because you're in love with the riches of this world.

How can anyone restore faith in a world that is so surely lost?

When every day we see massacres, we see genocide, we see innocent killings and we approve.

We watch it every day, and soon they'll be nothing left.

Nothing to free us from the emptiness.

No feelings to betray us.

No trust to gain.

No love.

No hope.

We're using the trees are torches!

Killing innocent living things, to light up our world, to give us even a glimmer of hope.

But it's no use.

It's the end of the world.

Until the world is destroyed by our own hands, will we not rest?

The world has been corrupted and decayed since its birth.

I must confess.

This is my fairy-tale, the true reality.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2012 ⏰

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