Chapter 1: Activating the Dojutsu

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The Namikaze Clan is closely related to the Hyuga Clan. The differences are that the Namikaze Clan isn't as strict as the Hyuga clan, along with the blonde hair and blue eyes. The similarities are the Byakugan, and Gentle Fist.

The Uzumaki clan are related to both the Senju and Uchiha, but are more closely related with the Uchiha. The differences between the two clans are the tomato red hair. The similarities is the Sharingan.

Two notable figures from the Namikaze Clan and the Uzumaki Clan, are Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki. On day they fell in love, got married, and had a child. But shortly after the birth of the child, they had mysteriously died. There was no attack by the Kyuubi. They just died, and no one knows why.

Their child is a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. His name is Naruto Uzumaki, and he is hated for the death of the Yondaime Hokage, Minato Namikaze, and his wife Kushina Uzumaki.

One day when Naruto was 4 years old, after just being kicked out of the orphanage where he lived. The Blonde was being chased by a mob of villagers. Now Naruto wasn't just being chased, no he was running for his life, as the villagers were throwing anything that they could grab at the blonde. Naruto then sees am alley, and ducks into it, only to find out that it's a dead end. He quickly turns around to see the mob blocking the exit, and a man in front with a drawn katana. The man then walks slowly towards the boy, raising the katana at the same speed.

Once the man is really close to the Blonde. Naruto afraid for his life raises his right arm to block the sword. The man sees this, and give a demonic smile that turned into a laugh ad he cuts Naruto's arm off at the elbow. Naruto falls to the ground, and let's a blood curdling, ear piercing scream out of his lips. Which notified the ANBU named Dog and Crow, to Naruto's location.

When Crow saw the man with a bloodied katana, he looses it. Naruto sees the huge fireball coming towards the man, and mob. When the fire died, all that was left was ash. The two ANBU enter the alley, seeing the mortified look on Naruto's face, Dog says, "We are here to save you, Naruto. I'm sorry we couldn't get here earlier." Naruto then passes out from blood loss.

Naruto then wakes up, feeling chakra in his eyes. He feels his face, and feels his veins popping out on the left side of his face, but not on the right. Then he remembered that his arm got cut off, and screams alerting the the ANBU and the Sandaime right outside of the door. The Sandaime rushes in to the hospital room, and sees Naruto open his eyes. The old man was shocked, Naruto had the Byakugan and the Sharingan.

Naruto looks around, and sees the Hokage, and asks, "Jii-san, what is wrong with my eyes? Do you think I can be a ninja with one arm?"

The Sandaime says, "You have two Dojutsu, or eye techniques. The first one is called the Sharingan, and the second one is the Byakugan. Make sure you don't show anybody your eyes, ok? Deception is a key ability for every ninja. About your missing arm, we are Having our best doctor making you a prosthetic, or fake arm, but you will still be able to use chakra, and use the arm like normal. I don't know when it will be finished tough, so for the meanwhile you will only have one arm."

Naruto was shocked he had really powerful family, but had only one arm. Then he heard his stomach growl, and the Sandaime chuckle. The Sandaime then says, "Let's go to Ichiraku's."

Naruto then jumps up, and yells, "RAMEN!" Then grabs the old Hokage's hand and runs out of the hospital.

Once at Ichiraku's, Teuchi sees Naruto, then the Sandaime, and was about to ask where Naruto has been, until he sees the Blonde's right arm. That is when Ayame walks out of the kitchen, and sees Naruto. She starts to cry. Naruto seeing this says, "Don't cry. I'll have a cool robot arm. It might be able to shoot kunai from it."

This makes everyone laugh, and then the Sandaime says, "That would be cool, but I'd doubt it."

That makes the little boy get depressed, until Teuchi asks, "Naruto, do you want the usual?"

When Naruto heard this, he perked up, and shook his head, like there was no tomorrow. Making everyone laugh again. They then have their respected foods in front of them, called ramen, Which is the Kami of all foods, and you couldn't get Naruto to disagree with that statement. After they finished eating, the Sandaime says, "You are going with me to the Hokage's Tower. We have a meeting with the council, and I need to tell you about your parents, for I have not done their last will properly. They wanted you to have a wonderful childhood with many friends, but you were ostracized, and treated as the person who killed them. For that I'm sorry."

Naruto then says, "That's ok, Jii-san. I know you tried your best. I mean you are the Hokage, and they are very busy people. The Kage have to run a whole village, but If I end up looking so old. I might not want your hat."

Naruto laughs, as the old Hokage gets visibly depressed, which makes Teuchi and his daughter Ayame laugh as well. The Sandaime then says, "Let's just go."

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