Part 1

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Hey guys I'm very new to writing, I was just at work and I thought up the start of the story and when I got home I just couldn't get it off my mind. I really hope you like it and please leave postive and negative constructive comments :)) thank you so much <3 (p.s I dont know how to think of names so if anyone has any idea I would really appreciate it)

The vodka sears the back of my throat, I try and supress the depressing thoughts that try and wiggle their way back into my head and demand another shot. Everyone at the party cheers me on, I don’t remember how many shots I’ve consumed all I can remember is the pain drifting away after each one. I forget what the alcohol tastes like and the burn in the back of my throat seems to become a part of me and as I take the last shot from the table I finally let out a massive breath.
“Wow Soph, I didn’t know you had that in you! You were totally holding back on us last time.” Someone excitedly says behind me, I can’t recognise the voice and everyone’s faces are blurred together. I nod very quickly then try and stand up from the chair that I’m sitting in. As I push myself up I feel myself slide to the left almost crashing into the ground, I giggle. I open my eyes and look at the person who helped me up.
“Oh fucking shit” I say with a massive slur and probably very loudly.
I look up into the eyes of my older brother James. He stares down at me hard, no matter how drunk I’ve made myself in the past however long I’ve been here I can still tell I’m in a lot of trouble.
“Oh fucking shit is right Sophia-Grace!” He near screams at me. “I can’t believe you! You never drink what the hell has gotten into you!” He continues to scream but carefully places me back into my seat knowing I won’t be able to stand on my own. Nearly everyone has cleared the room by now and I feel my vision dance with blackness and I sway in my seat. The dance between reality and the blackness is getting stronger and the blackness seems to be winning.
“I don’t feel too great” I slur before falling out of my seat and passing out before I even hit the floor.

“… she’ll be fine she just had a bit too much to drink, there is no reason to worry we’ve pumped her stomach and there will be no serious affect to Ms Drake after a few days of rest and please make sure she doesn’t abuse alcohol again.” I hear a reassuring voice say.
I open my eyes and hiss with dissatisfaction when the light blinds me for the few seconds I had my eyes open. I groan as the light now is very noticeable and it makes the harsh headache I have a billion times worse. I groan again and try and role onto my side. I hear footsteps approach me, I still don’t know where I am but all I care about now is getting away from the terrible light and any loud sounds which will build onto my damn bordering migraine. I feel a strong hand push my right shoulder back onto the bed, much quicker than I lifted it up and then the voice speaks in a very rough and sarcastic tone.
“Oh Sophia-Grace, you’ve decided to finally wake up!” I recognise the voice straight away and it’s my brother James. The memories of last night finally hit me. The vodka. The trip and then the blackness. I open my eyes and as I glance around I take notice of what is around me and I knew it straight away. I was in hospital.
“James what happened” I ask groggily, coughing a few times at first trying to get the words out. I already know what happened but I need him to confirm what I thought.
“Hm, let me see Soph. First you beg me to take you with me to the party, then you promised me you would not touch a drop of alcohol, then I found you in the kitchen surrounded by a bunch of disgusting guys eyeing you off and a lot of empty shot glasses on the table in front of you.”
He’s mad, I can tell but I can also see the worry in his eyes when he was speaking.
“I’m so sorry Jam-Jam, I didn’t mean to” I say adding in his cute little kid nick-name hoping he’ll take pity on me.

I then hear the door slam open and my very angry father walk into the room. Oh fuck, I think to myself. I shoot James a very worried look but he gives me one back saying ‘you bloody deserve what you’re about to get’.
“Sophia-Grace Matilda Drake!” He screams using my full name. I shrink into my bed and blankets holding onto my head as it screams in pain along with him.
“Daddy, I’m sorry, I’m really really sorry” I give him my best puppy dog look but I know he won’t buy it but it’s worth a try. As he reaches my bed he looks down on me and his anger seems to fade a little into what seems to be sadness, or even guilt.

“Sophia what were you thinking taking that many drinks! I didn’t even think you were into the whole drinking alcohol and partying thing. I thought that was more James.” His voice lowers as he talks, probably seeing as I shrunk more into the blankets with every symbol he was saying. I look up at him and at James and I feel tears start to build up in the corners of my eyes. I look down again biting my lip trying not to cry. I try and apologies, the words getting stuck in my throat and finally the tears win and they start flowing out of my eyes like a waterfall in full burst. I manage to stammer out I’m sorry many times through the tears that didn’t seem they would ever stop. James and my father both hug me from their spots next to my bed and shush me while stroking my face and hair, trying to get me to stop crying. Eventually the tears stop, but the headache continues to pound on and on, like my brain is trying to explode from my brain.

“I’m really sorry guys, it’s just… we broke up and I don’t know what to do, how to handle it.” And the tears start flowing over again. The thoughts bubble up in my mind again, the thoughts I was trying to supress the whole night before. The depression breaking through the surface again and the thoughts of him. Adam... My beautiful Adam.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2014 ⏰

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