Episode 62: Fixing Nora

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I tried to sit up, but I couldn’t. It hurt too much. My head, my eye, my whole body felt as if it couldn’t move without sending a wave of pain through me. The shadow got up and walked towards me. Coming into the feeble light, I saw the hairless chest, tattooed and toned, before his face came into view. Ryo, his long black hair covering one eye, tried to smile, but he too seemed to be in some form of pain, or perhaps just indecision.

“Nora,” he spoke softly. “It doesn’t appear you have had a good day.”

I shook my head and looked around the room the best I could. I knew I wasn’t home, or at Haru’s, or even the Winston house where Ryo had taken up residence. The room appeared too feminine and girly for any of those places. Pink and violet dominated the walls. Unicorn artwork and sculpture, interspersed with walls and walls of books filled up the empty spaces. A chandelier was decorated with dangling multi colored streamers giving one the effect a rainbow was overhead.

“Where am I?”

“You’re at my master’s house. Against my better judgement maybe, but we’re just going to have to trust you. “

“You can trust me.”

He frowned. “We’ll see.”

He then reached under my head and carefully removed the pillow I was resting on. As he began to put it on I realized it wasn’t a pillow at all, but his ruffled white lace shirt. He buttoned it halfway and started to roll up the sleeves.

“Why am I here?” I asked .

“It was the safest place to bring you. Move over.”

At first I didn’t understand what he meant, so when I didn’t move, his dark, smoldering eyes met mine. In a low serious voice he whispered, “I need to sit beside you.”

With a little effort, and quite a bit of pain, I slid over so he had room to sit beside my stretched out form on the divan.

“It seems your life is in serious jeopardy,” he said, taking the seat. “Teachers and students alike want you dead, while rookie vampires attack you at Haru’s. I’m sure they know where I live, so this was the best place to take sanctuary. No one knows where we are.” He let that sink in for a moment before continuing. “I didn’t even know until today. The master believes in moving around…often.”

“Is your master here?”

“Yes.” The look on his face told me he had disdain for not being his own master, to having to answer to another.

“Will I meet him?” I asked.


“Then why did you bring me here?”

“Nora Williams, you ask a lot of questions of the one who just wants to help you.”

“But why do you want to help me?”

He stumbled over the answer. “Because…I…I believe Haru would want me to.”

I didn’t believe that was his whole reason, but I let it go. “Where is Haru?”

“He’s at your house making sure it is safe for you to go home.”

I closed my eyes. With my father’s passing, I wasn’t expecting things to get so complicated and dangerous. “I didn’t think it was going to be like this, “ I said.

“Things are a lot different for all of us.” He looked at me, a serious gleam in his eye. “Nora, this is going to be weird, but just bear with me.”

He reached out with his open palm and placed it against my bad eye. For a moment it rested there, just long enough for it make me feel uncomfortable, and then I felt the pull. It was a gentle tug at my skin, as if the blood in my body was trying to rise to Ryo’s touch. His hand moved in a slow, circular pattern, moving outward from the area of my eye, then spread even further by drawing straight lines across my face north, south, east, and west. It felt as if something within me was moving with his hand. It was a strange, almost sensual feeling, as if he were a magnet attracting steel, and moving it where he wanted.

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