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Taehyung was running for his life

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Taehyung was running for his life.

Heavy rain blew against his face as he pumped his legs, his hair blowing into his eyes, desperate to get away from his pursuers.

He heard the footsteps nearing him, getting louder and louder by the second, not far behind.

Thinking on his feet, he ducked to his left into a small alleyway and crouched behind a garbage bin. Balanced on the balls of his feet, he held his breath, hoping they would pass by him.

Hell, why had he gotten himself into this situation to begin with? This morning had been surprisingly quiet.


He had arrived at his high school that morning determined to have as little human interaction as possible. This was quite simple, as Taehyung never had any friends. In fact, he was often bullied for his looks or his deep voice. But he never minded.

He took special care in taking different halls to get to his classes than the ones he knew the school's notorious gang members took.

This gang of people weren't your average group of rebellious teens. These were the type who everyone, even the teachers, were afraid of. No one had ever dared to cross them. That is, until now.

As the day ended, and the bell had rung, Taehyung had gotten up, ready to return to his foster home, when he accidentally collided with none other than the leader of the gang, Jae Beom.

Knocked to the ground, he blinked hard, trying his hardest not to cry out from the pain in his left shoulder.

He noticed his books had fallen everywhere, but made no effort to pick them up. He had more pressing things to worry about.

He watched the leader tower over him, blonde hair falling over his eyes, eyebrows furrowed.

It appeared the collision had caused him to drop his laptop, the keys from the keyboard scattered on the floor. Taehyung gulped as he realized the damage he had just caused.

"Do you know how expensive that computer was?" The gang member scowled menacingly.

Taehyung got up shakily. He shook his head slowly.

"What's your name?"

He gulped. "T-Taehyung."

"Okay, Taehyung. You're. Dead." He muttered below his breath.

He leapt suddenly at the still frozen Taehyung, forcing him to move his legs, barely avoiding his grasp.

He broke into a hurried run, desperate to find an exit. There was no one in this sector of the school, no one he could call for help.

Breaking open the doors, he ran, the cold wind piercing his face.

And now he sat, crouched, shaking behind a garbage can. He heard footsteps near him. Multiple.

The whole gang must be here.

He jumped slightly as he heard a singsong voice break through the silence.

"Taeeehyung? Where aaare youu?" The voice echoed off the walls. They were close.

Holding his hand over his mouth to silence his breathing, he prayed they wouldn't find him.

Slowly enough, he heard the footsteps stop eventually.

Maybe they've given up.

He felt a hand wrap around his throat, and felt himself being lifted into the air. He struggled against the pressure, trying to force air through his windpipe, but couldn't breathe.

"Hiding from us, weren't ya?" Jae Beom spat smugly. Taehyung made out through his bleary vision four other members, all muscular and intimidating, standing behind him.

He kicked his legs in protest, but couldn't reach anything solid. The members laughed at his measly attempts.

Tears brimmed in his eyes, as he felt his vision begin to tunnel.

Right before he was about to pass out, he felt himself being dropped to the floor, thudding violently against the rough pavement. He let out a whimper of pain, biting his lip.

He felt a fist come in contact with his stomach, feeling as if his ribs were about to break. More punches connected, each bringing more helplessness with it.

He truly believed he was about to die.

And then-

"Hey!" A voice echoed down the narrow alleyway.

The punches came to an abrupt stop, and Taehyung looked up. He coughed up blood, while he squinted through his mop of brown hair, plastered to his face from the rain. He tried to make out who was standing in the shadows.

It appeared the gang was having a confrontation with a strange man. He wore all black, his face covered by a dark baseball cap.

He couldn't make out any facial features, aside from his mouth and a set of teeth resembling that of a bunny. But guessing from the sound of his voice and his height, he was about his age.

"Listen. I'm only gonna ask you this once." The man said. Suddenly the 'click' of a gun cocking sounded.

Taehyung breath hitched where he sat. The man had just pulled out a gun, and was pointing it at the gang leader's chest.

"Give me everything of value that you have on you. All of you." He motioned the gun to the others for emphasis.

He watched as they hurriedly brought out their wallets, pulled off watches, and removed earrings. When they had finished, the man nodded in approval.

"Thank you for your cooperation," he said, placing the gun back into his pocket.

The leader grunted. "Why you-" He lunged at him, aiming for his head.

The man in black easily dodged his attack, landing a punch on his stomach, and knocking him out.

The others gasped, and quickly made a run for it, one of them grabbing the unconscious leader.

Taehyung couldn't believe what he had just witnessed. But he couldn't move yet. He couldn't let this man know where he was. He was very clearly dangerous.

Laying silently behind the garbage can, he sat silent, waiting for the assailant to leave.

And then he sneezed.

Cursing himself, he hoped silently that the man had left. However he knew he was mistaken when he heard a sudden flurry of footsteps.

And then the man stood before him, holding a gun to his head.

Taehyung froze. He was about to die.

The man cocked his head, a grin playing at his lips. He didn't know how to react.

He paused, biting his lip in thought.

"You're coming with me."

Before Taehyung could react, the man pulled out a white cloth from his pocket, and pressed it up against his face, over his nose and mouth.

It was sweet. Chloroform?

He began to feel himself blacking out. As his vision began to dissipate, the man spoke once more.

"The names Jungkook. And don't worry, I'm not gonna kill you- not yet at least."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2023 ⏰

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