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"p tae, do we really have to do this?"
is the first sentence that came out of copter's mouth that night.
he feels awkward.
"why do we need to distract the fans? they'll know anyway" he adds,
hoping it will convince tae to stop whatever nonsense he is planning to do.

kimmon shifts closer as he slings an arm on copter's shoulder. copter cant help but melt to the touch.

"just let him." kimmon whispers
"and besides, dont you want a picture with the very handsome birthday boy?" he whines then pouts.

copter shakes his head. he's like a kid sometimes. he wonders how is he 27 but he thinks its cute, even his heart agrees.

"okay! 1, 2, 3! SMILE!" tae shouts while he takes the picture. "im posting this on ig!"


its kimmon's birthday celebration. they are required to attend. yes, required, kimmon wont let them live if they miss it. copter doesnt want to deal with that, so he stays. he knows he should be celebrating too, he got an award earlier but he feels weirdly down. the overly loud music and blinking bright lights make him dizzy, he wants to go home and sleep.

"fix your face, they might say you're jealous" tee says, grins teasingly

"i dont feel good" copter shrugs. he is jealous but tee doesnt need to know that. he is not in the mood for the other's teasing.

"you can go home after we greet p'kim a happy birthday and he blows all the candles." tee replies, his tone is soft and his face filled with worry.
"do you want me to bring you home?"

"aaaaw, p tee is worried. im touched"
its copter's time to tease.

tee just smiles, reaches out to tousle the younger's hair.


the first thing copter does when he woke up with flower petals in his mouth and sheets is to check his room for hidden cameras. he's pretty sure he didnt drink last night and definitely didnt ate flower petals for dinner. he needs to know if this is a prank, if his p'tee somehow found a way to put petals in his mouth and room without him noticing.

he calls the older but no luck, he didnt answer. copter remembers that his p'tee sleeps like a log.

he feels a sudden discomfort in his chest. his breathing becomes restricted then he starts coughing; the petals are golden yellow contrast to his black carpet.

he picks one.
copter thinks its pretty.


"its hanahaki disease. it happens when you suffer from unrequited love. flower grows in your lungs. their roots entwines with it, that explains the difficulties in breathing and pain in your chest thus you shouldnt let the roots reach your heart."
the doctor explained it too enthusiastically for copter's liking. and for a disease that could kill him, the doctor seems unbothered.

he is still convinced that tee has something to do with this. they need to talk soon, so he can scream at tee, to tell him to stop this prank of his. cos this is just too much. this is not funny anymore.

"but you dont have to worry, it can be removed. a surgery, a minor procedure, simple" doctor assures him.

"if i undergo the procedure, what are the possible side effects?" copter asks. he thinks he's going crazy.

"well, surgery will also remove all the existing feelings. its best if you know who is this person, tell them directly. who knows they might like you too, you wont have to do the surgery. something might have triggered you" doctor answers.

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