The first Chapter

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"Quick! Grab the guns and shoot anything that moves... not me though" shouted a gruff voice on the other side of the house. I look around and see the smoke pour through any gap it could; it was creeping around the dining room table like the monster who let it loose. "Any time now, boy"
All my thoughts jumped at once, and with a click they became clear. I grabbed the guns, covered my face with a damp cloth I found by the kitchen sink and ran into the monstrous smoke, trying to find Robert. I find him in the hall were it all started. The old bear was shooting madly in all directions, I join in the same way at the intruders, occasionally hearing them scream if a bullet wedged itself in their skin. Some firing back, but not all had guns. That had me wondering, there were definitely 20 maybe even 30 but only what seems like five are firing back. Something's not right, I whisper to myself.
"You'll have to speak up, boy" grunted Robert, as he fired another shot. "My hearing isn't as good as it used to be.''.
"I said something's not right" I shouted.
"No kidding", Robert replied. More gunshots fired in our direction. We dodged them and fired some back. It was like a small war broke out when the first of the intruders came into sight. Now not only bullets, but fists and legs flew at us as we fought the enemy.

I've been in many fights since the global warming got so severe that all the polar ice melted, the sea level rose and half the world burnt like a piece of coal. Since then, I was separated from my friends and family. Robert found me in the sewers sheltering from the heat, lonely and scared out of my wits. He took me in and since then we've been traveling together to Alaska, one of the few places left that weren't affected by the global warming. Robert said he had friends there that had a place we can stay 'till everything settled. Along our way we found this abandoned house, so we decided to take a break for two nights.

The enemy was running ground when we heard a sickening noise coming from above. Robert and I exchanged glances that screamed the expression of regret or just 'oh crap'(if that's an expression). I looked up and saw an object break through the ceiling and something jumped down. I ducked out of the way as a perfect circle of ceiling and some people landed one with a crash; the others with an almost graceful manner. It was as if they had done this very charade before. As I stand up, I look over at Robert and he's still fighting the people in the far end of the hallway. Just as I turn to look at the people from the roof, I feel cold bony hands wrap around me, and the barrel of a pistol against the temple of my head.

"Drop the gun" said the raspy voice from behind me, I look over at Robert and see that he's dropped the gun. I'm unable to read his face, but I can see in his eyes that he both knows and hates this guy. He raises his arms above his head.
"There, happy?!", he said in an annoyed tone
"Yes. Very, soldier" replied the rough voice. I knew the old man kept secrets from me, but only minor ones. Not the one about being a soldier. I mean, I guessed he had been in the army, but I didn't think the army does this kind of stuff. Crap. That's all that comes to my mind as the bony hands and the pistol slowly move away from me; only for a new pair of hands clip a harness on my body. I'm whisked into the air and into a hovercraft. Someone slips off my harness and ties me to a post in the corner of the cargo room. I see Robert come up just before a throbbing pain oozes through my head and all I see is darkness.

I hate dreaming, they're all just nightmares with no escape. Sometimes I'm stuck and I see things I wish I could forget. My name is the only thing I hear over and over again; just Alex and nothing else. It's freakish, saddening and upsetting. My senses suddenly click on and my eyes open drearily and i see that it was just Robert trying to wake me up. "Took quite the hit to the head, eh?" he remarked. I smiled.
"Yep, it was quite painful too, soldier" I replied teasily.
"Ha! Yeah right, left that life behind years ago, and now I've dragged you into this mess'' he solomley replied
"Technically, you are still part of this organisation," I turned to see the man with the skeletal hands. As he walked, over I could see that he was quite scrawny, but looks can be deceiving, as he can throw a guy like Robert (a strong, big old man over his shoulder). I saw him do this to another guy that disobeyed his order before I was knocked out. He walked closer and closer. He had great posture. As he walked towards me, he looked me dead in the eye; it sent shivers down my spine. He lifted my chin with a bony thumb and examined my face. I saw the features of his - they were sharp and distinctive; he had a few freckles and dark blue eyes. He moved away releasing my chin. He moved to sit in a chair in the corner of the room. He sat down and crossed his legs and said, "So tell me about your little tag along soldier". I looked over at Robert and I could see the rage in his eyes. It spread like wildfire. I was angry. "So, who is he?"
"A friend of mine". I looked at a frustrated robert with balled fists.
"He's a bit young, don't you think?".
"Since when did YOU care about age?".
"Well if you-"...
"I told you I'm done with... with your little charade!" Robert was on his feet ready to fight if it came to it. The cargo room went cold and dark, small boxes and supplies in the corner shivered. There was silence.
"Well then, we will drop you off as soon as we can land," the man was calm, and it's annoying. "Just don't get up to any mischief.", and just like that he got up, walked over to the door and left. There was a massive slamming sound as the door shut.
And for the rest of the flight we were quiet

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2019 ⏰

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