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Alex Carlton sipped her tea as she looked outside the starry moonlit night. Rows of stars twinkled up like glitters to a sparkly dress. A gush of wind stepped in her room through her open window. It embraced her and it stung her skin but she didn't mind.

They had two homes. One by the sea. And one surrounded by the busy streets of the city. She liked their home by the ocean more , not because it was bigger and better but because it was serene though she hung out more at their home in the busy city since it was closer to school.

The sound of silence filled her ears. Until she realized that she spoke too soon. Her room faced the road lit with the street lights. She cocked her head , staring at the woman looking around the place helplessly and lost. She seemed wounded. The woman then made eye to eye contact. Her gaze pierced through her skin.

The woman's eyes pleaded with her. Alex broke eye contact and glanced at her watch- 2:46 am. What is she doing on the streets at a time like this? She turned to look at her again but the woman was already looking at something else.

There were two guys there with her! Although , the other one looked like a woman. She couldn't tell exactly. Still, the both looked menacing enough. They both wore masks to cover their faces.

The woman fell to her knees and began pleading but they didn't mind and hit her head with a bat. 

Alex gasped , not believing what she's seeing. They loaded the unconscious woman to their van. She put down her tea on the windowsill and rummaged the drawer beside her bed for her phone. She needed to call the police. Or at least her mom's boyfriend , Daniel-a detective. Or maybe her boyfriend. Oh who is she kidding? Sean isn't probably awake.

She let out a sound akin to a squeak when she finally got ahold of her phone. She dialed the police but thought....the police would probably come here thirty minutes after. They'd be gone by then.

Alex turned her head when she heard the engine start. Decided , she ran downstairs careful not to wake her mother. She opened the backdoor and sprinted to her mom's car.

She unlocked the door and climbed in. Thank Goodness and she was able to persuade her mother for a duplicate to her car. She gave the van a running start to give her some distance between them.

She started the car and followed behind them with the car lights off making it hard for her to see the road clearly.

Alex kept following them along the empty streets for a good hour before the van pulled over to an abandoned warehouse. Her heart beat roared in her ears.

What the heck was she thinking? God,this is stupid. Fall back! It's too late for that. She took a random turn and found a dark spot to park the car. Once she succeeded in doing that , she went to place where the van pulled over. Alex kept her head down low and sneaked close enough for her to see what was happening inside.

She dashed to the window and peaked inside. What the fuck was she looking at right now? It looked like a surgery room.

There were two gurneys. On one gurney was an old woman the other was empty. At the corner of the room there were , if she's not mistaken , mutilated bodies of people piled up. The color of her face drained and she felt like she was going to throw up. She could taste bile coming up her throat but did her best to keep it in.The two masked people from a while ago came into the room holding the innocent woman in their grasp.

Alex could clearly see the look of fear on her face. She knew she had to do something. She continued to watch from the window , forming a plan in her mind.

The two removed their masks and Alex knew she was right. The other one really was a woman. They tied her hands and feet on the gurney. The woman continued to beg for them to set her free but they didn't listen.

There were million possibilities going on in her mind on what they might do to the pitiful woman. Alex couldn't bear to watch any longer. She had to save her even though it costs her life.

She looked over to the entrance from the window. There was a guy smoking cigar near the door , a gun on his hand.

Alex scanned the room. There were 10 armed men with the two seemingly higher authority excluded. With light steps , she made her way to the entrance which is widely open and waited. Alex knew that she could pull this part off. She was gifted with having the ability to sneak up on people and not get spotted.

But this was way different. Those men inside were bad men and Alex knew that if she screws up , she's dead meat.
Deep breaths. That's what she did to distract herself from her trembling hands. Finally her opportunity came when the cigar man wasn't looking and she dashed inside and hid behind the piled up old crates.

If possible her heartbeat pounded louder and faster this time. Alex could clearly hear what they were talking about.

"Come on Jonathan let's go call up the boss to deal with this one."

"Why don't you go while I stay here with this bottle of liquor on my hand eh?"

"You're such an asshole."She heard the irked tone in her voice. Alex peeked to see the woman's figure heading towards a door. This 'Jonathan' guy went over to the guy guarding the entrance and lit a cigar.

'Guess they don't have unexpected visitors often to be this carefree in looking out.' Alex thought. She dashed towards the gurney with the paws of those of a cat , careful not to let the fiends notice her presence.

The woman was currently whimpering softly. Alex grabbed her pocket knife that her friend, Nicole , had given to her on her 16th birthday and desperately tried to cut the woman loose. But before she could progress in doing so , the door opened and the woman with their so called boss came into view.

She looked for a place to hide , bent down to all fours and started crawling to a possible place where she could hide. Alex quickly eyed a small dim corner near what seems a machine. She quickly crawled towards the machine but in doing so , her foot got tangled up by a wire , snaking its way around her foot. Oh but Alex didn't mind it and quickly hid on the corner , hugging her lap.

"Well done Kristina and Jonathan. You never fail to impress me."A man probably in his late 40's said with a funny accent. "So let's begin the experiment shall we?"

Alex could see his grim cold face as she lurked in the darkness. The man walked towards the tied up woman and removed the hair blocking her eyes. Fear was evident in the woman's eyes.

"You should be happy Diana. You will be a part of something big. Something marvelous. Now , shhh now my dear. It will all be over soon."The man said after he leaned forward to get closer to her face.

"Jonathan , Kristina. You know what to do."He said taking a few steps back. The both nodded in agreement and started to put wires and stick them all over her body. Two on her head , two for each her arm and two on her abdomen.

By this time , Diana as they called her had given up. Alex could see that. From another room came a very old woman , assisted by one of their people of course. The woman was probably 89 , judging by her appearance. They put her up on the other gurney besides the other woman and did the same to her as well. They prepped her up good for whatever their experiment is.

The old woman moved her head towards their 'boss' and said to him , "Dr. Stanley , will I be all better after this?"

Stanley. His name rang in her head. Alex heard it somewhere. Probably on a newspaper or something. She just couldn't get ahold where.

Dr. Stanley smiled reassuringly at her and replied with a yes. The old woman closed her eyes and with a sigh she said two words that made Alex worry on what was about to happen next.

"I'm ready"

The Body Swap (completed) Where stories live. Discover now