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donghyuck gently closed the door behind him, flipping on the lights, lightly illuminating the otherwise dark apartment. he sat down on the little bench near the entryway of their apartment, tugging his shoes off. a big yawn escaped the tired boy's mouth, a hand coming up to rub at his eyes exhaustedly. his muscles were aching, and he took a minute to lean his head back against the wall, closing his eyes. sounds of nightlife were still apparent downstairs, cars honking, distant chatter and laughter, and if donghyuck really tried, he could even hear the loud bass of party music somewhere nearby. of course, that was the norm here. donghyuck had gotten used to it now. he kinda liked it now too. it made him feel better about practicing until the early hours of the morning, the fact that other people were also still out.

inside the apartment had a completely different feel. the air was warm inside, a stark contrast from the chilly, brisk, autumn wind outside. mark had soft piano music playing from their speakers, donghyuck guessed that the older had fallen asleep trying to write lyrics. there was a pumpkin scented candle that was still burning, donghyuck knew that mark had forgotten to blow it out like he always did. donghyuck blew the candle out, breathing in the autumn scent that warmed up his insides.

donghyuck had had a long night at the dance studio, working on his piece for hours and hours until his body was aching. he still had some cleaning up to do, but overall, he was proud of himself for choreographing this routine.

looking at the clock, it was a little past three, so he picked himself up and hoisted his bag upon his shoulder, tiptoeing through his and mark's apartment so he wouldn't wake the older up. donghyuck took a quick shower, allowing the rhythm of the water pittering and pattering on his back relax him. the steam cleared his mind and by the time he got out, face red and skin warm, he felt refreshed and his mood had lifted.

donghyuck switched the light off, quietly heading back into the kitchen to make himself some tea. as his water boiled, the boy grabbed his journal and a pen from his backpack and sat down. mark had gotten him in the habit of writing one line a day. mark was diligent about it, he'd sit and write about his day, about the lyrics he'd composed, or what new techniques he'd learned in class, and he'd often make a list of things that he was grateful for. donghyuck admired how humble the older boy was, he never missed a day, and he'd write a lot too. so donghyuck had tried it out, wanting to be more grateful and honestly, writing a line each day wasn't too hard, so he didn't mind.

now, as his water seeped in the tea, spreading a delightful aroma of jasmine that mixed with the pumpkin from the candle, donghyuck tapped his pen against his lips, thinking about what he should write about. most nights, he'd overthink what to write about, wondering which part of his day he should highlight. today, donghyuck uncapped his pen and started writing, the scratchy sound of his pen hitting paper relaxing donghyuck even more.

after a good five minutes of donghyuck documenting his day, he heard soft footsteps coming towards him. he looked up to his boyfriend looking soft and cuddly and tired and more cute than donghyuck could ever express.

mark's hair was messy over his forehead, eyes half closed, though donghyuck could see the affection in them. mark looked cute in a pair of grey cotton shorts and a black oversized sweatshirt, one that donghyuck could see himself stealing in the near future. donghyuck burrowed himself into his boyfriend's arms as he got to where hyuck was sitting, the younger's arms wrapping around mark's neck as he dropped his head onto mark's shoulder.

"good morning," donghyuck murmured into mark's ear. mark huffed and his grip tightened on donghyuck.

"are you ready for bed? i want cuddles," mark's breath was hot against donghyuck's ear, and he found himself shivering. mark was only like this, so affectionate, after 2 am, and whoever was near mark was lucky to get his cuddles. donghyuck nodded, stepping back to put his journal away. he picked up his cup of tea and followed his boyfriend into mark's bedroom.

big sweaters and warm cuddles - markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now