Well um... I got "Challenged" to do this 20 facts, so *sigh* here we go folks.
Fact 1: I play Soccer *whispers* soccer is life
Fact 2: I currently rank about 14th in State of Texas in soccer.
Fact 3: I am a Junior in High school
Fact 4: I don't date my own race for some odd reason.
Fact 5: I have been to Japan, South Korea, Spain, and Italy.
Fact 6: I listen to different genre of music.
Fact 7: I am currently single
Fact 8: I am straight
Fact 9: I play Xbox 360, and different types of games (Action, Dance, Sports, FPS)
Fact 10: I like to pull pranks on people (Depending on how long we have been friends it may be severe and hurtful!)
Fact 11: I stay up 16 hours a day so pretty much through the night.
Fact 12: I am pretty fucking weird at points
Fact 13: I like horror movies especially if they are like having sex, and then BAM! Machete through the heart and blood all over the person.
Fact 14: I am like shy as hell when it comes to talking to a girl I like, or find attractive I start talking about weird shit and yeah.
Fact 15: Like an Awesome fucking friend, you can come to me for anything or advice.
Fact 16: I act like a Ninja at night and almost killed my friend one time. (I'll probably type a story later about it)
Fact 17: I currently make straight A's (first time ever!)
Fact 18: Most Favored animals are Anaconda and Wolf, if they mate it be like Woconda or something.
Fact 19: I find Latinas extremely attractive
Fact 20: If I am bored I like roll around in my bed making up Ninja scenarios.
BONUS FACT(s): I will fight you for some damn cookies or snickers, so like don't tease me or I will fuck you up.
I rage so much when I can't get going on a game mostly FPS and Sports games.
Last bonus fact, I have been cheated on once by my ex, BUT got back at her because I took my new girlfriend every where and spent more on her then I did her.
( If you would like to know more facts inbox me on what you would like to knoooow) *disappears in the shadows*