•[1] Pack Your Bags

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It's not like I wanted to be suspended. My mother says that I should be happy that I'm not expelled, that the only reason that I'm still at this school is because of the great name I give it when I win competitions.
My coach is going to be pissed when he hears the news. He always tells me to never fight outside of the arena unless it's life or death. But Dotte crosses the line. I have no excuse for my actions. In my defence, she shouldn't of said those god-awful things about my disfunctional family. Well, she should've atleast known that the word would get around back to me. Maybe I should've waited for when school finished. I shouldn't of decked her in the cafeteria right infront of everyone! I knew I was a good puncher, but I didn't think that I would knock her out cold.
So, here I am. Slouching in a dining chair with my feet on the table. My mom is pacing the hardwood floor before she stops abruptly to smack my feet off the table.
"After all this school has done for you!" She snaps, turning around to look at me with a disapproving look - again.

"But she said-"

"I don't want to hear it, y/n. This school, this school has reserved you a scholarship. Paid for your boxing session. Gotten you sponsors. And what do you do? Knock out the principals daughter!" She shouts and begins pacing again. I stay silent.
"After all the training I've put you through, you still can't control your anger." She mumbles. To be honest, my mother hasn't been this... angry? Disappointed? I don't know the words... but the last time she was in this mood was when I lost my second competition and when my father and her got divorced. So, I know punishment will be coming it's way. I'm assuming she will be upping my training session from six days a week to full time, but what comes out of her mouth shocks me.
"You're going to summer camp, y/n. Rim of the World."

"What?" Is she joking?

"Maybe leaving for a while will help you get your priorities straight! God, I can't even look at you."

"It was just a punch!" I stress the last words.

"You threw your scholarship down the drain!"

"Then send me to a new school! Get me a new one!" I don't know how scholarships work, all I know is that if you get one, it's guaranteed you're going to a good college for free or something.

"That's exactly what I'm doing! But it's not that simple. Go pack your bags, your father is picking you up and driving you there tomorrow."

"Dad agreed?" My voice breaks slightly.

"Yes, he has. Now go." She finishes, pointing in the direction of my room. I swallow back tears that threaten to fall. Never have I ever felt so betrayed. Why would he agree to this?



Why is she sending me? I'm fine here at home, staring up at my four screens and staring down at my other screens. I fiddle with my rubix cube as my mom opens my curtains, going through checks of my items.
"Where's your retainer?"

"Mom, NASA's testing new boosters using solid rocket fuel. Those things can incinerate anything." I saw in awe, hopefully changing the subject. I really don't want to go to summer camp.

"Anything else we're forgetting?" I guess the subject change didn't work, "sunscreen, good. You ready, bud?"

Yeah. Ready to die. I keep my thoughts to myself. Instead, I go with, "Yeah. Just a few more minutes."

"Sweetie, you don't need anymore time in that chair."

"If you're worried about my posture, this chair is ergonomic. Look," I say shifting in my seat, "my spine is perfectly aligned."

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