Firestar, Graystripe, Ravenpaw

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(Random pic for the top. TOO LAZY TO OPEN GOOGLE)
He's bi.

Firestar can sing! He'll sometimes sing with Cinderpelt (who encouraged him to sing), but he mostly sings by himself. He's been caught twice, and both times he was hitting a high note. He was caught once by Sandstorm and once by Graystripe.

Firestar still pranks others sometimes just for the hell of it.

He won't back down from a dare. If someone dares him to do something, he'll do it. This has backfired on him once, when Leopardstar dared him to jump off of highrocks (I think that's what their called don't remember) at a gathering. He barely missed landing on an apprentice, and slammed his legs on the ground. He ended up being fine, with most of the other leaders laughing.

Firestar is pretty strong, but he can't beat Sandstorm or Briarlight in an arm wrestling match. Briarlight barely missed breaking his arm when she jerked it down, and Sandstorm is just a strong bitch.

He's really damn tall. It's ironic that he had short daughters. Squirrelflight is still short enough to sit on Firestar's shoulders, much to Sandstorm's irritation.

Squirrelflight, Ivypool and Jayfeather all inherited his voice, while Alderheart has it, but doesn't really enjoy singing.

Can carry anyone and everyone on his back. Cloudtail almost managed to pull a muscle by jumping on him.

Hollyleaf sometimes goes to him for help, and he gives comfort.

He often goes to Tallstar for advice. Tallstar is fine with it because he sees Jake in Firestar.

Once heard Kestrelflight and Jayfeather kissing, so he slammed his fist on the ground and screamed, "FBI OPEN UP!" Kestelflight didn't talk to anyone for a solid hour out of embarrassment while Jayfeather somehow chased Firestar around with a pocket knife.

He's really easy to talk to.

He's pan, and gay for Firestar.
Has kissed guys before, mainly Firestar and ONCE Whitestorm as a joke.

Resident shoulder to cry on in ThunderClan.

He's so damn strong it isn't funny-

Makes forts. He is a child trapped in a man's body.

He once made a hand puppet of Millie to make Brightheart and Briarkit laugh, while it got Millie pissed. It has since become a meme around ThunderClan.

Out of a fit of rage, he punched a hole in a stump. It was stuck for a solid twenty minutes while Jayfeather called him out for being an actual idiot.

Graystripe sometimes sits by rivers to remember Silverstream and Feathertail.

Graystripe will scare anyone who doesn't notice him walk by. He's gotten a lot of different reactions. He got a slap from Sandstorm, a knee to the crotch from Jayfeather, and got Cinderpelt to cry out of fear. It's all in good fun, but he has cut down on it.

Once screwed Firestar; to answer that burning question, they weren't caught.

Once in the summer, he whipped a water balloon into the camp. It hit Cloudtail in the face. He's still not forgiven for it.


Basic knowledge; he's gay.

Will snuggle Barley like a kit to their mother if a nightmare occurs.

Was really close to Spottedleaf before she died.

Loves blankets. Half the time he's just a sushi blanket.

Loves musicals with a passion. Favorite is the Falsettos.

Often hums songs, much to Barley's happiness.

He wanted to get closer with Tallstar before they moved places, but he couldn't. He spent most of the time the clans were there talking with ThunderClan and cuddling his husband.

Can hit high notes. Seriously high notes. Like  really really really high notes.

Firestar once held him and Sandstorm over his head for a solid five minutes. He was so close to having an anxiety attack.

Has glasses.

Is just a sweet boi in general.

Whitestorm often made Ravenpaw's apprenticeship bearable, looking out for him and comforting Ravenpaw whenever Tigerclaw would get mad at him. Whitestorm became a father to Ravenpaw.

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