Getting There

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"Are we gonna be there soon, i cant wait any longer!"

"Yes sweetie wait like ten more minutes"


We arive to a private little beach in Maryland. There are cute little cabins everywhere and alot of hot beach boys. Im Ava i have two more weeks untill school starts. My parents decied on a last minute vacation. I get my last bag in the cabin and i get a glimps of my neighbor. I cant see his face but he has some firey red hair. He looks really tall compared to me.

"Ava, why dont you ride your bike around alittle and get used to the area?"

"Okay, sure mom ill be back later then."

I head out on my bike and ride by his house, but hes not there. As im riding i see a little pier on the water next to a little store. I go i to the store and see a rice crispy bar. I quickly buy it and head out. I find another pier on the other side of the private area with two stories. I go up to the second floor of the pier and sit there looking at the sky and ocean. I turn around and notice some boys coming in the direction of the pier. They are on the first floor so i cant see them but i guess they noticed my shoes and came up to the second floor. He is standing in front of my the boy with the red hair. Along with five other annoying looking boys. They went to one corner and started whispering. Im just sitting there eating my rice crispy treat when suddenly someone comes up next to me and sits down. I look over and its him with the red hair! I felt butterflies in my stomach.

" You wanna bite?" I said. i emidiatly mentally face palmed myself intill.

" Sure why not." He said. hid voice was deep and just sounded muscular. I slowly handed him the rice crispy treat. Our hands touched and it was like electiricty. he took a bite, and handed it back. The onther boys started asking if they could have some. I had gained alittle more confidence.

"Hell no!" I said.

" I only share with hot people." He looked at me and i smiled and turned back around. The five other boys left, but he staied.

"So I never got your name crispy treat?" He said. I laughed and said

"Ava, it's Ava, but my friends call me A."

"Well A im Kahlil, but my friends call me Kahlil." I emediatly laughed. Kahlil, Kahlil, thats a really unique name.


My phone had buzzed and i looked at it. it was my mom sayin she would like if i came back for dinner.

"I have to go im sorry." I appoligiezed.

"Its okay, but it sure would be nice if i could get our number."

"Haha okay i guess you can have it considering now you owe me a rice crispy treat." We laughed and i gave him my number. No sooner had i arived at my cabin and he texted me to say he missed me. My heart fluttered. I had dinner taken my shower and went to bed only to get another text saying "goodnight A." I just couldnt wait for tomorrow. And the rest of this vacation.

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