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Waking up for the first day of school walking to the restroom to take a shit and then wash my hand then brush my teeth. I don't eat breakfast unless it's a shake with pancakes. Well, it was just 6:30 a.m I stared at the wall for 30 minutes it's exactly 7:00 a.m I get ready for school and say goodbye to my divorced parents who still live together. I know weird. Well, I forgot to introduce myself I'm Cristi my parents gave me this name because they met each other in a street called Cristi. I wait outside my house for the bus I see my best friend Tom he's so adorable always supporting me in my crazy decisions. The bus arrived and Tom sat next to me and girlllll his breath stank. I gave him a gum he was okay with me telling him the truth. The bus made its last bus stop and a very handsome boy entered I did not know his name so I asked my best friend since he's very social with everyone in school and people on social media. He was the cute quiet kid in school who had a glow up during summer. I was shocked and surprised. His name is Nicholas. Nicholas was a very nice person in school but very shy. We arrive in high school where we get dropped off. When I get off, I smile at Nicholas and he just walks away. Tom makes fun of me because he thinks I have a crush on him but I don't. The bell rang for the first period and the first person I see entering my class is Nicholas we made awkward eye contact. Everyone is arriving to class and the teacher Mr.Clappingcheeks gives us our assigned seats. I was shocked when I saw my partners name it was Nicholas. Nicholas looked mad I don't know what's going on with him. I don't remember doing anything to him. When I sat next to him I said hi but he just completely ignored me. When class was about to end he slides a card and his phone number was in it. It the card it said give me a call after school we need to talk. 

I told you to brush yo theethWhere stories live. Discover now