15- Anger Can't Remain Bottled Up

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"Lauren," Dani whispered, "tomorrow's Visiting Day."

"Well, they aren't going to visit us, that's for sure," I replied as I bent down to tie my shoelaces.

"Do you want to see mum, Christina and Kath?" she asked again. I sighed, hoping that Dani got the message that I didn't want to talk about Visiting Day. It brought back my nightmares of mum saying that now we were gone, she couldn't live in happiness. She even said to never consider myself as her daughter anymore. The thought of mum saying that in real life brought tears to my eyes. I tried to convince myself that mum would never say such a thing like that but it didn't work. Mum could say anything she wanted to say and nothing was stopping her from telling me that I wasn't her daughter anymore.

"Why are you crying?" Karina asked me as she came up to Dani and I.

"Oh it's, um, nothing," I brushed off, wiping away the tears that had marked my face.

"I was from Candor, you know. I can tell when you're lying," she pointed out. I looked over to Dani for support. I didn't want to talk to anyone else about why I was upset. They didn't have to know about my nightmares and my usual worries about mum and my sisters who decided to stay in Amity.

"Maybe Lauren's lying but she might be lying for a purpose. She doesn't want to talk about it, okay?" Dani spoke back. I tried to smile at Dani but I couldn't bring myself to smile when all I could think of was mum, Christina and Katherine.

"Alright, sorry. You can always talk to me if there's anything, okay?" Karina replied as she rubbed my back. I nodded and got up from my bed.

"Okay, we should go and get ready for our last fight," I said as I took in a deep breath and exhaled, trying to calm down my nerves. I had already fought with Sebastian so today, I had to fight someone who was easier.


As I stepped into the training room, Theo was already writing down pairs on the chalkboard.

"As you all know, today is going to be the last day of stage one and you're going to resume fighting. I want you all to give it your best because this, as well as all your previous fights, count for your rankings," Theo said as he turned around to face the initiates. Our eyes made contact for a brief moment before he broke it off and stepped to the side so we could see who we were paired up with. Luke. I forced back a smirk that began forming on my lips as Luke turned around to face me.

He laughed.

"You're making me fight her?! Thank you, thank you very much Theo. I wouldn't even need to try. Just one shot and she'll be out," Luke kept laughing even when Theo glared at him. Since when did Luke turn so cruel? I had always thought that he would have been one of the nicer guys out of the initiates, along with Tyler and Andrew.

"I think you're underestimating Lauren. I have a feeling that if you keep laughing, she'll be the one to knock you down in just one shot," Theo stated. Karina and Dani giggled under their breaths while the other initiates laughed out loud. Luke's cheeks turned a bright shade of red and he made no effort to hide it.

"Did you hear that, everyone? Theo actually stood up for Lauren! What a joke!" Sebastian laughed. I clenched my fists, feeling anger roar inside me. What did he mean that Theo actually stood up for me? What was he trying to say?

"Do you want to know what an even bigger joke is? YOU! You can't fight the urge to say something stupid and mean every time someone says something. Why should anyone even listen to you when you're the one who creates such negativity here? If I could, I would KILL you, Sebastian! I will k-" before I could say anything else, Theo grabbed my arm and I stopped talking almost straight away.

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