Cute Imagine

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"Zayn's here and remember I won't be home til late tonight," your mom says before walking out the door for work. You grab your backpack and make your way outside into the rain. "Hello love," Zayn says in his amazing British accent. "Hey." You give him a quick hug before getting inside his warm car. You and Zayn are both Juniors in High School, Zayn is known as the bad boy with the tattoos, and your known as the quiet nerdy girl. "You look beautiful princess," Zayn says pulling out a cigarette from his pocket and lighting it. You watch fascinated, as he inhales and then slowly exhales and smoke comes out of his mouth. "Thank you." Today you decided to wear leggings with one of Zayn's oversized sweaters he let you keep. You always love having his sweaters since he always sprays his cologne all over it before giving it to you. "No problem." "I feel ugly just standing next to you, I mean your so hot and gorgeous," you blush. He caresses your cheek and smiles that amazing smile. Before he can speak the bell rings to go to class. "I'll see you soon, love you princess." He kisses your lips quickly before putting out his cigarette and going to class. The school day seems to go by slow for being a Friday. You stand outside the gym, waiting for the bell to ring to go to your next class. It eventually rings, and soon after it does you see Zayn walking towards you. "Hi babe!" You say running into his arms not caring who sees you. "Oh Malik's girl is so excited to see him," a few of Zayn's friends say playfully. "Oh you guys are so silly of course I am, he's my boyfriend." Zayn entangles his hand with yours as you both start walking. "Oh yea that's right there's a sub today," he says as you both enter the class. You go sit at your table quietly and wait for class to start. Suddenly one of the boys that bully you comes up to you. "Hey geek move I'm sitting there today." Your about to get up and move when Zayn suddenly appears next to you. "Excause me? She sits there." "No she doesn't, not today at least. Just go sit down dude this only is between me and your ugly girlfriend." You look at Zayn's face and anger fills his eyes. "Well I'm not letting her get disrespected by you, So buzz off. " "make me you pussy." Before Zayn can do anything you stand up between them both. "Zayn, calm down he's not worth it." "Move (Y/N), now." You ignore him and try to get him to look at you. Suddenly you see Zayn move around you and start beating up the boy who bullies you. "Young man, get off him now!" The sub yells walking up to them. You both pull Zayn off him and help calm him down. "No that assholes deserves it." "You three, office now," the sub says filling out three referrals. You take the paper and silently walk to the principals office as anger fills your body. When you arrive inside the lady at the desk tells you and Zayn to sit in the chairs and wait as he talks to the other kid first. Zayn puts his hand on your leg and you gently push it off. "Don't touch me Zayn." "What's wrong?" "I don't know, maybe because I'm in the principals office cause you couldn't keep your temper down," you say sarcastically. "Well I'm sorry I wanted to defend my girlfriend." "Why, I can defend myself and it's just causing more drama." "(Y/N), he bullies you all the time and you don't do anything about it." "Cause, it's nothing to beat someone up over. Your probably getting in serious trouble now." "I guess for the one year we've been dating, you've been underestimating that when I say I would do anything for you I actually mean it." He looks at you with such intensity you want to just fall apart. "I don't underestimate you," you whisper. "You're my world, I would do anything and everything for you to make sure you're happy and safe." Your heart melts when he says this and your anger towards him fades. "I'm sorry Zayn, I love you." "I love you too." He kisses your lips sweetly before they call you to into the office. He grabs your hand gently and you walk together into the room, not caring anymore about being in trouble.

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