The past

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Rose POV

The rain pouring out the window rhythmically made the tears swelling up in my eyes to fall down my face. I remembered his words like he said them yesterday. The words ring in my ears and cause me uncountable nightmares. I remember, the first night of November two thousand twelve , the night Dimitri Belikov left me , like it happen only moments ago. The shock of it is the only thing I have not recovered from. The pain and the tears have become a part of me but the shock of it I am not over , even after three years.


The night that Dimitri broke my heart was a beautiful one , not the kind of night you would expect a heartbreak. The moon was out , the stars were blinking back at me and not a single cloud was in sight. We were going to meet up together at my house before going to dinner together. I was driving home from college. Dimitri studied in U.K unlike me who stayed behind in Russia to take care of my family while he was studying. He came to visit home for holidays and I was going to see him for the first time in six months. Imperatively and hastily I drove back home. When I got home I found Dimitri up on the terras staring at the stars. The distant look in his chocolate brown eyes that was always in his eyes were not there anymore. His chin length hair was not in it's usual ponytail.

Dimika , Are you alright?" I asked him placing a hand on his shoulder sensing something was wrong. Dimitri flinched away from my hand like it was on fire. He turned away so he was not facing me. We stood like that for long time. "I don't think this will work for either of us... Roza I think it is time that we went our own ways. I don't want to do this anymore" Dimitri said it after a while. His voice sounded so cold and emotionless. With those few words that escaped his mouth all my dreams and hopes came crashing down to the floor. I wanted to lock him up in a room and fight with him and tell him he was wrong , but I couldn't even bring myself to shed a few tears. "Why?" I choked out in a whisper barely loud enough for him to hear me.

"Because the distance is making it harder for me to love you. Because I am just eighteen years old and you are just seventeen Roza...We have our whole lives ahead of us and I don't want to tie myself to anyone for the rest of my life" He said to me jabbing those word into my heart like they were knives."But what about our parents? What about-"I started to say but stopped myself. He looked at me without any emotions showing on his face. He reached out to hud me but I pulled away.

"Dimitri Belikov , If you leave me now there is no coming back and no more chances for us" I said at him sadly. He nodded and kissed me on the forehead. I pulled away and wiped the tears off my eyes. "IF YOU'RE DONE THEN GET OUT OF MY HOUSE AND GET OUT OF MY LIFE" I yelled at him on the top of my lungs. I wanted to cry and scream and yell , four years of our relationship gone to water.


The tears kept falling and the hole in my heart just hurt even more as I remembered of that night. I knew I would never forgive Dimitri for breaking my heart because he wouldn't be able to give me back the four years and six months I wasted for him. He wouldn't be able to make the pain and the anger burning inside me go away. For four months I was depressed and living like a dead person , not eating and not talking just moping around, he won't be able to change that and I will get revenge from him for breaking me that even if it is the last thing I do.

The first four months were very hard for both our parents because they were the ones wh0 had to deal with my temper tantrums and yelling and anger. I refused to talk to anyone , eat anything , I even refused to step out of the house. Everything that reminded me of him was blocked out of my life. My parents hid the albums of photos that I treasured , the little box of love letter and notes we passed to each other that I kept with me and every single gift he brought to me hidden away from me.

But now I am over the crying and the yelling and ready for revenge.

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