Strawberrys and cream

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August 14th , Dear diary, I've just came back from Mike's house practising for tomorrow's big test at sch-

"Eve, hunny, dinner's ready!" Mum called from the kitchen.

"Okay mum, I'm coming now!" I shut my diary and locked it so nobody could get in it, especially Mike. He had a habit of sneaking through my window, and taking my stuff, because we lived in a bungalow. I ran into the kitchen to get my dinner. I got my food and ate it, and as soon as I finished, I heard a big crash and ran to my room and left my plate on the dining table. As I got into my room, and the wild August wind blew into my face from thew open window. Hang on a minute, my window was shut when I left my room, wasn't it? As I shut the window, I saw Mike's running through the fields. As I lay on the bed thinking about Mike, I felt some paper underneath me. I sat up and found an envelope. As I opened the letter, thousands of silver and gold hearts fell on my lap, and a picture fell on my lap at the same time. As I went to turn the picture over, my cat, Roxy, jumped onto my bed and started licking me.

"Roxy, not now!" I said, and I must of scared her because as I said it, she ran away.

I picked up the picture and turned it and it was a picture of me and Mike at his 5th birthday party, and  a piece of paper was stuck to it. I opened it and it was a letter from Mike.

Eve, I know this is sort of a sudden, or not, anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to be together, like, girlfriend and boyfriend? You can come to mine and tell me or tell me in school, or send a letter back to me, it's all up to you. Hope to see you soon. Mike x

I never would of know how how had it is to know the answer just like that. As it was almost nine, so I thought I would sleep on it, so I thought for a while, and I almost fell asleep until I heard this tremendous bang, and it sounded like it came from outside. I got up, got the torch from my bed-side table, and shone the torch outside. I couldn't see anything, until a black figure walked in front of the torch, looked through the window and squinted from the torch light, and then ran off.

"That could of been dad, or Mike, but I know Mike wouldn't come at this time of night..." I whispered to myself. Just then I heard a light know on the door.

"Coming!" I half whispered, half shouted. I opened the door and it was dad. I hadn't been expecting him at half eleven.

"Dad! What the heck are you doing here?!" Was my response.

"Eve! Keep your voice down! I need to spend the night here and surprise your mother in the morning!" He sounded scared and ambitious at the same time. I showed him the way to the living room, and set the fireplace alight. The fireplace was the only way of heating up the house, and I felt so warm by the match. If it wasn't for my dad yelling for me to be careful, I would of possibly fell asleep with the match in my hand.

"Eve, Blow out the match and be quiet!" Dad shouted. Literally, shouted. "Ah, crap, now look what you've made me do!"

I moved my arms around like I was to say 'What did I do?!' Dad looked really aggravated.

"Eve hunny, are you okay?" Mum asked. She sounded very worried.

"Yeah mum, I'm okay. I just came to... Uh... get a glass of water! Yep! Just that and nothing but!" I had a very awkward smile. I was really hoping she wouldn't notice I was lying.

"I thought I heard someone else..." Mum was acting way too suspicious right now. I couldn't help but snigger at the fact that dad was kneeling down behind the door, eavesdropping on the conversation.

 "Really?" I acted like I didn't know dad was even alive right now. "Huh, you must of just been hearing things!" I said, pushing her towards her room.

"No, I knew I heard someone. I sounded like Jon!" (Jon was my dad's name) It was killing me trying to act like dad wasn't in the house.

"Come on mum! You know, you could of been dreaming his voice!" Mum was really anoying me now.

"Well, okay then, you could be right," Mum said. I gave a really big cheer to her and then realised the expression on her face.

"Why are you so happy?" The smile on my face faded away ever so slowly.

"Uh," I've never been so worried about a secret getting out so quickly. "I just wanted the conversation to end because I'm really tired!" I did a fake yawn and nodded. Just the the kitchen door shut. 'Ah, crap, dad, really?!' I said to myself.

"What was that?" Mum asked, her puzzled expression turning to a 'very worried mum' expression. Mum ran into the kitchen, and saw nothing. She came out of the kitchen pale as a ghost. She walked into her room and fell face first onto the pillows on her bed. I was worried, so I walked into the kitchen. I saw a man tied to a chair bleeding, with a bloody knife on the table. All of a sudden, every thing turned white.

"Eve, wake up!!!" Libby shouted. Libby was my little sister and she only came when dad was here, wait a second, dad's here? I shot up from my bed and ran into the kitchen, and I didn't see anything in the kitchen like before. All of a sudden, I heard a scream, that I knew belonged to Libby. I ran into the corridor and saw a man dressed in black with a gun in his hand. He looked at me and pointed the gun at me. I heard a gunshot, a scream and the whole house when white.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2012 ⏰

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