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"Love gets me into more trouble that hate ever could," she stated sighing. Wiping the stray hair off her sun-kissed face. Her heather grey-blue eyes sparkling in the early afternoon sunlight. She looked at him, sitting there across the table from her, his deep burnt almond eyes gazing at her face. She knew what he had just told her was the truth, but there was no way that she could accept his words. She remembered their past, every detail, every memory. He was her past, she could recall every laugh, every smile, every harsh word and every tear shed. Her first love, the one person who knew her, understood all her barriers and reservations. He was always able to see through all the walls that she had built to protect herself, protect her heart. She shifted her eyes away, looking at the other table. A young couple was animatedly discussing the book sitting on the table between them.

"Look at me," he snapped. Her eyes glanced back to his face, then down at her hands. "Why can't you accept me, accept what I am offering you at face value?" He asked. She fidgeted in the booth, he knew she had a response but wouldn't answer. She was always so infuriating. He could feel the anger and frustration building in the depths. If he couldn't get her to communicate with him this would never work. He wanted this to work, he had thought about her and this for years. Her innocence was something that he had always known as a cover for who she hid inside. Though, the conversations that they had over the years had shown him that the girl he knew was completely different.

Sighing she opened her mouth and the words poured out of her, "I can't, I want more. I want all of you. I know it is more than I deserve. I know I am less than you deserve." The truth began to unravel her deceptive portrayal of strength, and the tears began to flow down her face. She gazed at the lost love of her youth. His hardened jaw clenched and she knew she was doing wrong again but she couldn't help it, her heart felt like it was going to explode from inside her chest. She chanced a glance at him again, his face looked softer as his body tensed to move. "Please, don't leave," she pleaded as he rose from his seated position. His magnificent form moving with ease as he slid into the empty space next to her. His muscular arms enclosing her shoulders as he sat down, trying to console her and end her silent cry. She leaned into him breathing in his delectable aroma.

"Baby girl, I know you want more, I know I want more but that isn't the world we live in. We have lives that cannot comingle." He could feel her shoulders begin to shake harder as her sobs became uncontrollable. He pulled her tighter, 'this wasn't the plan,' he thought to himself. He had envisioned something way different when they had planned their lunch date. It was supposed to be fun and reminiscent, ending with reunion sex and a kiss goodbye, until next they met. Instead, the girl he had loved in their youth, had become a woman; with the inner and outer beauty he had always loved and enjoyed, but the fire of her youth was dormant. Her life hadn't been easy, and he knew she wasn't happy but was resigned to live the course of her decisions.

She looked up at him, the blue in her eyes shining brighter against the reddening from her tears. "I promised I wouldn't, I knew I would, but I promised." Her sentence trailed off, as his hand traced a tear rolling down her cheek, he lifted her chin so her mouth could meet his. His tongue dancing a slow lingering tango with hers, swirling and mingling, she slid her hand up towards his neck. Her fingers entangling themselves in the hair on the back of his head. Nipping at his lips, devouring his sweet breath, feeling the deepness of the moment. She could feel the waves of sadness mixed with excitement and desire stirring in her body. She began to trace his neckline with her fingers.

Feeling the intensity building and knowing the current mood would lead them both to a place where they would be lost and sad. He pulled away, "let's go." He stood and pulled her up out of the booth in one swift smooth motion. He moved with great ease as he guided her toward the double glass doors of the diner, stopping at the register to pay for the meal neither of them had eaten. Turning to face her he was taken back. Her youthful beauty was something that had always turned him on, her innocence was a disguise he knew she wore to hid her devious desires and deviant behaviors. She was still breathtaking though he had always refrained from saying this to her. He didn't like to play the cards in his hand. He loved the fact she was humble and didn't know how beautiful she was to him.

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