i wish

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  • Dedicated to Erica Andersson


“I can’t stand this Mark! I swear to God that was the last straw!”


“Don’t you ignore me Mark Eugene Bellory! I know you can hear me!”



When he heard the door close behind her Mark sighed deeply, running his fingers through his graying hair. Not that he had all that much left.


Ever since he’d married Sheila it had had the habit of slowly falling of his head. His doctor had called it stress. He called it Sheila’s way of taking everything he had. First his heart, then his freedom, then his money, and now his hair.


He remembered when Sheila was his everything. They had been highschool sweethearts. The yearbook their senior year had predicted them “Most likely to live happily ever after”.

“Happily ever after my foot,” he told himself, reaching down for his trusty whiskey bottle that always stood in the hidden compartment under his mahogany desk. He filled up one of the small crystal glasses almost to the rim, not not even bothering to put in ice or sugar.

He drowned it all in one big gulp. He was so used to this by now that it didn’t even burn his throat on the way down. He looked over the desk. On it stood a small picture frame of a happy family. A smiling family. A happy family. It was his last family picture.

A smiling redhead stood there with rosy cheeks as if she’d been standing out in the cold. In her arms she held a little boy about 2, and next to her stood a tall young man with a head full of hair and a blinding smile. In front of the smiling couple there stood a girl, about 7, with the same fiery red hair as the woman.

That was 15 years ago. Mark couldn’t for the life of him remember where those people went. The 7 year old was now “living her life”, as she called it, in LA, working on her failed music career. The only time he heard from her was when one of her credit cards had been declined and she needed money. The 3 year old was just about to start his last year in high school in France after a drug test landed him in trouble.

The redhead, Mark could no longer recognize. After all that surgery and botox Mark wasn’t even sure she could even blush anymore. And the only expression on her face was a constant frown. Her hair was no longer red, but instead a bleached blond, that she kept telling him “makes her look younger”.

But the thing that amazed Mark the most was that fact that the man in the picture was actually smiling. He couldn’t remember the last time he truly smiled. It was such a long time a ago.

He drowned a second glass, picked up his phone and called his lawyer.

Time to raise hell.


hope you liked it! i've started a new one which i'll hopefully finish!! ;)





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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2012 ⏰

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