A Normal Day

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April 25, 2063

It was a normal Tuesday morning in April. I woke up at 6am and went on my usual morning routine before going downstairs to eat breakfast.
My mother and little brother Noah were already eating so I decided to make myself a bowl of cereal while listening to their conversation. It was the usual topic. Noah didn't want to go to school. But as usual he didn't tell her the real reason and just lied about having a stomachache. But my mum was a smart women, of course she didn't believe a single word.

'But Mom', he whined.

'You go to school Noah Evans. End of discussion'

He sighed before standing up defeated and scuffed away to get his backback.

'Do you know what's wrong with him?'

I looked at her with an apologetic smile to signal I won't tell her anything before mumbling a sorry.
Of course I knew what was wrong with him but telling her would only make it worse.
Noah loved going to school but ever since we got new neighbors, he came up everyday with new excuses on why to skip classes.
The Merisen's, moved here 3 months ago. A lovley middle class family with 2 sons. Their youngest boy, Andrew, was eight years old and went to class with Noah. At first, everything was fine but after a few weeks Andrew accused Noah of cheating during an exam and they were on a middle school feud ever since. My mom is a really laid back woman but she doesn't tolerate cheating so I had to promise Noah not to tell her.
The older one of the Merisen's was called Sam. We went to the same high school but he was two classes above me. Sam was a really nice guy, absolutely no comparison to his demon brother. He had beautiful hazel eyes, a smile that could brighten even the darkest day and seemed to always be happy. Sam was your typical high school dreamboy. Very popular with the best chances of becoming team captain of the schools lacrosse team next year but still beeing a straight A-student. Absolutely charming and always up for a little joke, teachers and students loved him, all parents adored him.
I'm almost sure my mom hoped we would be more than friends someday and I have to admit to dreaming about that as well. Little did I know it would never come this far.

The doorbell rang and completely interrupted my train of thoughts. Before I could react my mom was already at the door.

'Paige, Noah! Sam is is here'

I totally lost count of the time so I quickly gathered my things and ran outside, Noah was already in the car looking more than miserable. He hated that we had to drive to school with Sam and Andrew but since I was only fourteen I didn't have a driving license yet and Mom never got one.

'Good Morning little one' Sam smiled as I walked past him.

'Good Morning big boy' I said as we went to the car together and drove to school.

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