Author's Note.

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Hey guys! Thank you for giving this story a chance. This is my first ever story on Wattpad. I started this story as a time pass thing but now writing has turned into one of my hobbies.

I wrote a few more stories after this one but I didn't get time to update them which resulted in me deleting them. But now I may bring them back with fresh characters and good editing. 

Currently, I'm editing this story so please bear with me. I have written edited on those chapters which are edited. The story may have a puzzling format :/ (which would be taken care of). The story will have a few point of views.

For the re-readers, I have changed few things here and there. Don't think that this isn't that story. The concept is same, just a few omissions and editings.

In the end, thank you for giving this story a chance.

Kaur D

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