20 facts about LUKE HEMMINGS

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1:luke hemmings full name is 'luke robert hemmings'

2:luke hemmings favorite animal is a penguin. Also he takes his toy penguin with him everywhere he goes(SO ADORABLE!)

3:Luke hemmings favorite ice cream flavour is cookies and cream(mine is too!)

4:luke hemmings has 2 brothers. Names jack and ben hemmings

5:luke hemmings favorite colour is blue (mine is too!)

6: The other members of 5sos say that luke is the master of loosing things whether its just a hat or even a phone!

7:luke hemmings carries around a brush with him everywhere he goes

8:luke hemmings parents names are andrew and liz hemmings

9:luke hemmings gets the most scared and nervous before performing on stage but acts like his not(i find that amazingly awesome and cute,dont you?!)

10: luke hemmings is the youngest in the band

11:luke hemmings is an uncle as his older brother had a cute little baby(awwwwwwe)

12:luke hemmings is the tallest in his band eventhough he reckons that they all are pretty much the same hight

13: luke hemmings is the most responsible and sensible one in the band and always thinks before he talks

14:luke hemmings and micheal used to hate eachother all the way until year 9 but suddenly becomed best friends with him in year 10

15:luke hemmings is pure austrailian thats why his accent is so strong but at the same time impossible to hate

16: luke hemmings celebrity crush is milla kunis however he talks about jenifer laurence more

17:luke hemmings favorite song on the EP is beside you

18:luke hemmings says that he loves pizza sooo much and had once had 17 in one go! Amazing!

19:luke hemmings said that chocolate given by fans taste wayyy better then him buying it himself

20:lastly to end it off, luke hemmings said that other than being with his band his second favorite thing thats happened while his been with his band is his amazing fans(US!!!!!)

Okay guys hope you enjoyed that!


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