1. The beginning of a new era

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Rosé POV:
Wow. So today was finally the day... we were actually going to America very soon. Oh you know, only to perform at one of the biggest festivals ever! Coachella! I still couldn't believe it, it was always my dream to attend the festival, but to perform there was just entirely something extraordinary. I pinched myself only to remember this somehow wasn't a dream.

We have a quick meeting today with all our managers about the DO's: Eat healthy, sleep enough, Smile and look happy etc etc and the DONT's: excessive hanging out with boys, being rude, forgetting to work out. All the while however, my mind was on one thing and only one thing.... the fact that in a few hours i'll be leaving for the airport with my 3 best friends to do something pretty remarkable. Not only was this the first kpop girl group to perform at Coachella but it was the first time we were going to perform in that area. Way to hit two birds with one stone huh?

I looked around to see the other girls all listening intently and nodding their heads along. Jisoo looked nervous, i could tell it was because she was afraid of not being able to connect with the fans due to her 'poor' english skills. I told her last night she had nothing to worry about and that i'd be there every step of the way, should she need me. Jennie looked like she meant business, waiting to ask questions like she always does, i thought smiling. Then, lastly, our Maknae, our baby Lisa. She looked as though she was ready to burst any second.

"Hello? Earth to Rosie!?" I heard.

Well, that definitely got me out of my thoughts...

"Uh... yes? What was that? Sorry i just blanked."

I noticed all the girls looking at me before my manger spoke up to say: "Rosie, we need you on your top game! No more spacing out. Okay?"

I replied "yes, im sorry about that."

He responded saying "i was just saying that as English is your native language. We're expecting you to leap in and answer any questions that the girls may struggle with. Okay?"

"Um yes, of course! My pleasure! Im sure the girls will be great anyways" i gave them all a reassuring smile to which they smiled back.

Ah... was i excited to get out of South Korea and experience the western culture again... in its finest at a beautiful beautiful festival.

Lisa POV:
The managers were sat here laying down all the rules... they sure know how to suck the fun out of everything don't they. Its nothing new to us however, after years of training with YG it just seems like normal procedure to be always told exactly how to act. Im not complaining though, i count my blessings everyday that i get to be in a girl group with my best friends and have the most amazing fans. I wouldn't trade it for anything.

The managers started to talk about Coachella and the type of audience to expect. I immediately felt myself sit up. I was so excited for this amazing trip. I know in America, artists are a lot more free and can do what they please. The thought of us getting to experience that kind of expression in anyway was just too much for me. I could not wait!

"Hello? Earth to Rosie!?" I heard.

Looks like Rosie was also lost in her thoughts. The manager had called her three times now. I wonder what was going on. Was she nervous? Or maybe just super excited like me. I looked over to her and watched her facial expressions change. She always had the cutest facial expressions, of course only after me though ehehe.

The manager told her she was basically to act as our leader while in America, which to be honest i didn't think was a bad idea as English was her native language. I hoped the other girls were fine with it too, i couldn't see why they wouldn't be.

Rosie agreed to do so but of course being the sweetheart she is, she looked towards us and told the manager that she thought we'd all be just fine. I love her. Shes always just such a supportive girl. Everybody deserves a Park Chaeyoung in their life.

"Brilliant. Well thats you guys all done. Hurry up and finish packing! We'll see you at the airport in a few hours! You're dismissed ladies"

With that i stood up straight away and practically ran towards the car. I was so excited for this next era!

Rosé POV:
I saw Lalisa run towards the car and chuckled to myself. She really is a child sometimes. I wonder how we're the same age. We act so different yet, whenever we're together it feels like we're the same person.

I felt someone tug on my hand just then, it was Jisoo unnie. "Do you want to sit in the front with me today? I think Jennie wants to sit with Lisa". I just responded with an 'of course' and smiled. I loved Jisoo, she was an amazing sister and mentor. She reminded me so much of my own sister. I knew i could always count on my little Chuu. Even though she is older than me, shes still smaller than me in height, which i adore.

Jennie unnie flashed me a smile before getting into the back and bowed towards the driver. She thanked me for letting her sit in what was my usual seat, i just smiled back. I loved Jennie too, she was a badass but on the inside, she was a total softie. Sure we aren't the most affectionate in the group but, we were the first to become friends and that, i think is very special.

Hey guys! I dont know if this will get many reads, if any! LOL but i finally thought id write a little something. The next few chapters are going to establish a kind of timeline and little realisations and then the fun begins!

*edit* im sorry the first couple chapters are written kinda poorly cos this was my first time writing but, i promise, as the chapters go on the writing gets better 🥺

Thank youuu💓

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