Hack and Slash

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 A theory goes around the town of Ol' Sneedleton, that in the place of the mountain that towers over the small village, was once a massive castle, called Black-Myth Fortress. This fortress was said to be the home of an overlord by the name of Xarrg. Xarrg ruled over an army more deadly than any other, and some rumor that he was a demon in a human's skin. How the mountain would have encased that fortress, no one knows. That is why the theory is so commonly disproven. But, all of that aside, let's talk more about Ol' Sneedleton. This is one of the most friendly villages around. Although it was founded by dwarves, there are people of all sorts, Elves, Reptallz, Orcs, humans, half breeds, and many more. People are righteous to their own religions and cultures, nobody discriminates, and people can be who they want. I mean, did you ever expect an Orc to be the mayor of a town, or a Dark Elf to be a Mailman? Oh yes, and did I mention the Wi-fi is amazing and free?

Now one of the half breeds living around Ol' Sneedleton went by the name Wunderkind. His actual name was Edward Vulkingham, but he had achieved so much for his age, people call him that. His father is a twilight elf, an elven half breed between a high elf and a dark elf, and his mother is a human. And what are his achievements? Well, he is 17 years old and is already the best kid in his school at close combat (he can even take on some actual fighters), Is already a mage rank 6 in Cryomancy despite this being his first year of taking a magic class, and has made some incredibly impressive weapons and armor in Smithing. This kid was clearly born to be a fighter. He has pale skin, a short pointy nose, and slightly pointed ears like his father, but also has short black hair, freckles, and blue eyes like his mother. But, nobody knows about his eye color because his hair is always in front of his eyes. Now I have already said that this kid is 17 years old, but the elven side of him makes his age confusing by sight. He looks more like a 9 or 10-year-old kid, but he's as tall as a 12 to 13-year-old. The only tell of his real age is in his voice.

Perhaps, also I should mention that he is an adventurous boy. Edward loved to go places unaided and discover new things. He has made his own map of the entirety of Ol' Sneedleton. And after documenting his entire town, he made himself his 'Adventure armor' and started going places beyond. He had gone through the Smoking Woods and the fields of gold. But now Edward plans on going to 'The Mountain'. He had been planning to go there once summer started since semester two. He's now about two-thirds of the way up the mountain, and it's honestly a disappointment. I mean, it's a decent place with an amazing view and a weird looking rock formation that looks like an arm sticking out of the ground with a middle finger. But, Edward was suspecting that maybe there was something more, something mystic about the mountain. He turned to the view of the city below him and waved. No one could see him, nor could he see anyone else, but he was just waving to his parents for the fun of it. Then he turned back and kept walking.

But then, the earth below him suddenly collapsed under his foot, and he fell into a small hole and inside the mountain. Turns out the mountain was hollow, and he landed on... bricks? Yes, he was on some sort of pathway of dark red bricks. There were no walls or ceiling to the path, just the abundant space of the hollowed out mountain. "What in the world?" Edward said to himself. Now normally, any kid would start freaking out and call out to nobody outside of the hole. But, Edward was an adventurer and believed there was another way out. So, he descended down the brick path, not an ounce of fear in his heart. Along the way were statues of red, just like the bricks, and pieces of damaged armor, along with skeletons. He took the most intact shield and sword he could find, just in case. Even though the sword had half the blade broken off. 

 Edward pulled some chocolate out of his bag and took a bite out of it. Suddenly, some of the disembodied armor around him started to sink into black pools right below them on the ground. From there, three larger black pools appeared in front of Edward, and from those pools rose black humanoid shaped clouds wearing the armor. That's when Edward had to put his chocolate back in his bag and drew his sword and shield. The shrouds floated towards him, not making a sound. One of them morphed their arm into a pointed shape and dashed in Edward's direction. He held up his shield in defense. But the shroud seemed to phase right through him, damaging the shield and making Edward feel an internal pain. The other two just floated on toward him, ready to attack. But, Edward was quick enough to slice both of them with his sword. This only damaged them a little bit and knocked them back a bit. Edward turned around quickly and ran over to the one that charged him. He would then proceed to bash it with his shield, and once it was on the ground, would stab it in the chest. The entire thing vanished. Then the other two shrouds morphed their arms into points and then dashed. But this time, Edward was able to dash out of the way of their X-Strike. Edward then charged over to knock one of them over the edge with his shield. The other one punched him in the back, stumbling Edward. He turned around, slicing through the shroud. But, it was able to take the hit and spun around to hit Edward onto his back. It climbed over him, his face now six inches away from Edward's and opened a glowing, formerly non-existent mouth. But, before it could do anything, Edward stabbed it in the chest, and it dissolves. Edward got up, pulled his chocolate back out, and then said to himself, "I guess it's one of those adventures." Before taking another bite.

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