Increased Intensity

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Hey first time trying this like this, lets see how it goes. I'm switching between names first/last/nickname depending on what's going on, please let me know if u have any suggestions. I kinda just let the words flow out so I'm sorry for any incorrect punctuation. Hope you enjoy!!! :-)

Izuku's POV
Where..where am I? What's on my hands? Is that blood? Did I...did I hurt someone? Did I kill someone? Maybe I really do deserve to die..just like they said. "Damn it! Stay with me nerd!" I choked as the world began to spin, "Ka-kaccan?"

Kaccan's POV
I dont care. I dont! I just..Seeing someone drowning in blood gave me an adrenaline rush. That's all. The body was laying on it's stomach with blood flowing, staining the concrete. I quickly but gently flipped the body over to get a better view of the wound and..Izuku? What's he..? What the fuck happened to him? Anger flooded my senses. I focused on applying pressure to a rather deep wound above his ribs..I applied as much force as I could without injuring him further. The blood eventually stopped flowing but he had lost a great deal already.. I just hoped I could get him to the hospital in time.

Izuku's POV
I heard scattered voices being muffled  by something. Probably a wall or door. Waiiit! Why are there voices? My house is quiet? What happened? Where am.. the hospital? Oh haha this place has pretty much become my home now since I'm always injured..haha.. not like anyone cares. Shut up brain people do care... right? I mean people wouldn't waste their time on me if they didn't care. I have Uraraka, Iida, Almight, my mom, and pretty much everyone in class 1A. But I'm terrible at everything I try to do. I never help people, I just end up making things worse. People wouldn't care if I disappeared. Ha! I know Kaccan would celebrate. Anxiety clenched and twisted around inside my stomach. I knew I wasn't cut out for this..or anything.. "Yo nerd!" I was snapped out of my thoughts by a nerve racking voice. Kaccan kicked the door down, causing every inch of my body to freeze with fear. He hates me.. who knows what he's going to do. "Oi nerd! Whatcha spacing out for?" Snapping myself out of my thoughts I stuttered,
"Ka-Kaccan..the door." He scoffed as he sat in the chair next to my bed, "You're lying in a hospital bed surrounded by shitty chemicals and covered in dried blood with a fucking stab wound, but of course the fact that I kicked down a door is a problem." A million thoughts raced through my head: Was that an insult or did he actually care?? Was he angry with me?  WAIT DID HE SAY BLOOD? My hand shot out from under the covers as I reached for my aching chest. Something stopped me. A hand firmly gripped my wrist. I looked up to see red eyes boring into me. "Ka-Kaccan? Why did you say blood? What ha-happened?" I bit my tongue as my voice faltered. His grip tightened on my wrist. It was starting to hurt. His eyes met mine and after noticing the pain in my eyes, he loosened his grip only to slowly make his grip even tighter as he spoke. "You idiot! You have no idea what happened?! You were just laying there.." he trailed off and I wondered if he would continue. He seemed to be reliving whatever he had begun to say. As I was about to ask for him to let go of my hand, he continued speaking, "You were just laying there, a few blocks from school.. in a dark alley.. covered in blood.." All of a sudden his voice rose with his anger causing my blood to run cold. "And you don't even know what the hell happened, Deku?!"  I flinched at his voice. Remembering his hand was on my wrist, caused the pain to feel even more intense than before. His glare sent shivers down my spine. He finally let go, strode to the door, muttered "Fucking Deku" just loud enough for me to hear, and left the broken the door behind him. Mina rushed in past him, "He didn't hurt you Deku did he?" I put the hand that was slightly purple on the side of my body that was opposite of her, "Not at all." I smiled, "But could you tell me what happened?" The rest of my classed followed Mina slowly. They all seemed a little shaken, for whatever reason. Huh, funny that her first  instinct was to rush to help while they froze. And she's not even close to me. Some friends I have.. My thoughts halted as Uraraka pulled me into a tight hug. Everyone in the entire class came to visit me? I was greeted by many classmates.. or should I say friends? Um I don't know if they're coming just because we're in the same class or because they care or because they're are my friends. Uh whatever the point is they came. Some of them couldn't express whatever they were feeling with words and resorted to physical reassurance. Hugs and other reassuring gestures sometimes caused my body to move in the wrong ways sending piercing pain through my body but I brushed off the pain. These people cared about me after all, I wouldn't want to make them feel badly. Iida, unlike everyone else, watched my every move silently. Every time I showed any signs of discomfort or unhappiness he became incredibly tense but I pretended not to notice. He stood as close to me as he could without making contact. He flinched whenever anyone came near me: like a mother hawk. I knew he just wanted to protect me and it was really sweet but I didn't want him or anyone to notice my pain. No one seemed to know what happened to me and why I was injured. They heard I was brought into the hospital in a near death state and they all came rushing to see me. Apparently the second we were allowed to visit Kaccan barged in demanding that no "extras" follow him in. Everyone said they normally wouldn't have listened, but since he was the one who brought me in, they needed to respect his request/demand..We all visited for a while before it started to get late. They all offered to stay to keep me company but I said insisted they should go home to get some rest. Everyone was reluctant to leave me in such a vulnerable state but they eventually complied. Guess they don't really care about me after all. Ugh what's wrong with me? Of course they care! They're leaving because they respect my decision.. So why do I want them to stay? "Hey Iida are you coming?" Kirishima asked in a warm tone as he held the door open. "No, thank you for asking. I have some matters to discuss with Midoriya first." Kirishima waved "Okay bye see you guys tomorr.." he paused since he didn't know when he would see me again, "See you soon!" He flashed one last smile and left. I began fidgeting as soon as he left. What does Iida want to talk to me about? He hasn't really spoken to me yet.. is he angry? Does he.."Midoriya." I gulped, "I just wanted to inform you that we all care about you very much." My mind drifted for a second: he's probably going to scold me for worrying everyone. "I noticed you flinched whenever someone made physical contact with you. You shouldn't have to feel pain from people who want to help you. If you tell them that what they're doing hurts you they will stop. You shouldn't have to worry about their feelings while they're too busy worrying about you to notice that they're hurting you. I'm here for you, always, as is the rest of the class. Please keep that in mind and feel better." Wow. That was unexpected. He really is such a good person. I smiled genuinely at his little speech, "Thank you Iida!" That was all I could think of to say. I was so touched and I hope he could tell because I couldn't explain how grateful I was with words. He left and I drifted off to sleep with a small smile on my face and a speck of hope in my heart before I felt overwhelmed and terrified.I still didn't know what happened to me. Or what would stop it from happening again..

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