BakuFly- How class 1-a finds out (Mature Content)

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   How class 1-A found out that Firefly and Katsuki were in a relationship.

Izuku, Shoto, Urakaka , and Iida: 
   Izuku was asked by his mother to look after the apartment for a bit. She was going on a business trip and asked Firefly to watch over it as well. Izuku agreed, but asked Inko if he could have friends over. She agreed because Firefly asked the same thing. Inko could trust her children to not destroy the house.
  Izuku asked Urakaka, Todoroki and Iida over. The four entered and noticedd that the door was already unlocked.
"Guess Firefly is already here." Todoroki said with a shrug of his shoulder.
"Yeah I guess. You guys go sit down. I'll go make us some tea." Izuku said as he went into the kitchen.
  The place looked the same since Izuku and Firefly moved into the dorms. Stretching on his tippy toes he went to reach some of the black tea leaves before a small yet loud explosion was heard through the apartment.
 Startled the three in the living room came running intot he kitchen while Izuku dropped the tea on the floor, making a mess.
 "What the hell was that?!" Urakaka shouted but another explosion sounded.
"I-It sounds like Kacchan!" Izuku said. 
"KATSUKI! " Firefly shouted as if she was in pain.
Izuku dashed through the apartment, One for All activiating. The others followed.
  Hearing Firefly groan out again, Izuku kicked open her door. 
Izuku glanced around and found firefly but quickly looked away. His face turning red.
Katsuki and Firefly were currently having sex.  Firefly had her legs wrapped around Katsuki's hips, while he hovered over her. He used one of his hands to hold her own hands down, while the other stayed on the bed to help him steady himself. Both were completely naked.  Katsuki was leaving bite marks all over Firefly while he already had a steady line of scratches on his back.  With the door slamming open, the two quickly stopped and glared at who entered the room.
Firefly screamed bloody murder and thrown Katsuki off of her and bolted for her blankets which fell on the floor. Wrapping herself up in her dark comforter , she glared at them all.
 "IZZY! GET THE FUCK OUT! GET OUT!" She shouted. The four of them quickly left , shutting the door behind them.
Growling Katsuki got up and started to put on his black sweatpants.
"Fucking extras." he grumbled. 
Firefly herself just pulled on a pair of underwear and Katsuki's skull shirt. It was long and fell to her thighs. Taking his hand the two went out of the room, Firefly stuck close to Bakugo's side as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Together they sat on the couch while Izuku stood in front of them with his hands on his hips.
Firefly met Izukus eyes and she saw that he was mad. It was hard to make Izuku mad. Katsuki looked as well and shuttered. There was one thing he learned early. It was that you don't make the midoriya's mad. Hell would be a better place.
"Firefly Midoriya. I am very disappointed at you.  You could have said something earlier or at least told me you were together! How long has this been going on for? When did you start having s-s-sex?" He shouted, the last part shyly.
"izzy. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I-I just thought you wouldn't like it because of your past with him and I'm sorry." Firefly started to sob. 
Izuku sighed but began tearing up too. He could never be mad at his sister.
"It's okay but does mom know?" Izuku asked.
At that Firefly froze and Katsuki started to panic, mini explosions happening. 
"shit. " was all Izuku said.

Mina, Denki, Kirishima and Sero:
   The baku-squad minus Bakugo were at the mall enjoying themselves. They were in the arcade when they spotted a familiar blonde haired boy. He was wearing a simple black t-shirt and black skiiny jeans. He was wearing a pair of matching combat boots. He was holding hands with a girl. She was pretty. Her hair was in a messy bun, a flower crown of red roses was in her hair. She was wearing a black long sleeve shirt that fell to her elbows and hung off her shoulders. It stopped by her midsection showing her belly button, which now had a piercing. A cute short skirt went with the shirt. Her legs were covered by black knee high socks. Completing her look was a pair of ankle boots that were a dark blue. 
 "GUYS!" Mina shouted and started point.
"Its Bakugo! and he is smiling!" she continued.
The boys looked and blushed at seeing the girl.
"Lets follow them!" Denki said as he started to follow them.
The group hurried and followed them. Katsuki stopped holding the girls hand, he instead placed an arm around her shoulders. She let out a soft laugh. The duo turned into a cafe. They were directed to a table. Katsuki had his back to the window but Firefly could see out of it. 
Rushing over the baku-squad gasped.
Bakugo was dating the female Midoriya! Mina blushed red. 
Firefly looked beautiful. Specially with the red tint of blush on her face. 
Denki and Kirishima noticed Mina look.
"Lets leave them be. I'll by everyone icecream." Kirishima said and lead everyone away.

Everyone is Class 1-A:

  The rest of the class found out by Mineta. Who was trying to take pictures of Firefly. She had spilled something on her shirt and went to go change it. it was during lunch so no one noticed MIneta had left. No one noticed Katsuki leave either.
 Mineta silently took out his phone and opened the girls bathroom door. He saw that Firefly had stripped her shirt, leaving her chest exposed. Today she felt like wearing a black bra but the only issue with it that it pushed up her breasts. Mineta gasped when he saw Katsuki in the corner.
"Dumbass. " he said to her.
Firefly just pouted and started to put on her extra one. However Katsuki had other plans. Pushing himself off the wall, he stalked over to the girl. He pushed her up against the wall, grabbing her thighs to pick her up. Having no choice, Firefly wrapped her arms around Katsuki's neck and her legs around his waist.
 "To bad you have to put it back on. I like you like this." He whispered to her.
Katsuki then started to kiss her. Firefly kissed back with as much passion. For a solid five minutes they made out. Placing her down on her feet, Firefly glared at Katsuki.
"Idiot. I'll be in your dorm room later. I want to show you something." She said.
When she said then Mineta decided to shout sexy which lead Katsuki go chasing him into class 1-a'room. 
Firefly just shook her head and finished dressing and hurried.
When the bell for lunch sounded, she saw that most of the class was there. And Izuku, Sero, and Kirishima holding back Bakugo.
"What the hell?" she asked as she walked in. She crossed her arms over her chest looked at Mineta.
Firefly was then held back by the girls, and todoroki. 
"Its none of your business who we fuck! You shit for brains." 
It was then All Might and Aizawa came into the classroom. 
"What is going on?" All might asked.
All might started to cough up large amounts of blood while Aizawa just sighed.
"I don't get paid enough for this shit."

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2019 ⏰

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