Castle on the hill (1)

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{*note* Every chapter will start with part of a song.} {Sorry if it's not that good, this is my first story}

I'm on my way
Driving at ninety down those country lanes
Singing to "Tiny Dancer"
watched the sunset over the castle on the hill

*Rye's Point of View*
I arrived at school and met up with my friends Jack, Brooklyn, Harvey and Mikey. We headed into school and went to class, I sat next to Mikey as normal. A new kid walked in and introduced himself, of course the only available seat was next to me.
"His name is Andy Fowler then, a little short to be 16 don't ya think?" Mikey whispered to me.
"Yeah, he does seem a little short to be 16. I replied. But he's a little cute" I thought
Andy came and sat next to me, got out his book and started to read.
*1 new message from Harvey*
I opened up the message and it read:
(H=Harvey, R=Rye)
H "Shorty looks like a nerd"
R "Yeah tell me bout it"

{Tell me if you liked it so far and if you would like me to carry on}
I glance  at Andy and I immediately get lost in my thoughts of how cute he is. What am I thinking? I can't like a boy

Claimed- A Randy story. {Finished}Where stories live. Discover now