Some Exceptions: Chapter One

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Okayyyy so it's no secret i've been gone a while... a long while. But I'm trying to make a slight comeback ish. I felt like i outgrew my old writing and I needed new fresh stuff to work with. Which means new stories starting with this one. :)

She hated it here, it was the absolute worst. Her family just moved from Cuba to Miami. In the beginning she was so excited, her parents talked about how she would love the new house and the beaches, the food and experience new things. And she did, she loved their new house. Her room was so big she felt like a princess, she loved how wide and green the garden was and the wooden floor was so shiny. Her mami was right the food was amazing. She liked her papa's smile when he got his new job, she thought America was the best place on earth. But then three weeks went by and her excitement soon shattered.

Apparently her parents liked the idea of forcing her to go to kindergarten against her will. She was anxious at first. Seeing kids her age run around through the gate and hearing their screams made her tummy feel funny. She liked her home, at home it was just her, mami and papa and it was quiet. Her mami tried to make her feel better, she said it was going to be one of the fun new experiences and how she would make lots of friends. Reluctantly, she let her mother's hand go and followed the teacher down the hall.

The second she set foot into the room she felt the pit of her stomach drop. Though her teacher gave her an encouraging smile, guiding her to the front of the class, everyone's eyes immediately zoned in on her. Kids sat at their desks watching her expectantly. She suddenly felt sick.

"Everyone, we have a new student with us today! Everyone give a warm welcome to Karla." The mention of her name made her jump slightly and she realised everyone was still looking at her. "Karla would you like to say hi." The teacher encouraged softly. Her English was still very limited but her parents taught her the basics like 'hi', 'bye', 'please' and 'thank you'. And even though she knew she could say these simple words with ease they got stuck in her throat. Overwhelmed by everyone's gaze she diverted her eyes to the ground, muttering a weak hello. Her teacher must have sensed her discomfort and ended her suffering. Telling her to take any seat she liked. Quickly spotting the lone desk in the back corner she wasted no time rushing towards it, keeping her head down.

She barely registered anything else that happened around her. Engrossed on colouring in her animals the chair in front of her squeaked making her look up. Dark brown eyes looked at her blankly, a small frown framing her face making her squirm. Her eyes glanced down at her desk where her crayons sat. "You have the last red. Give it." Her mami always told her sharing was important and though she didn't have a problem giving things to others this was moment she was unsure of. She didn't know this girl, and she wasn't a fan of how she was talking to her. "Hellooooo," the girl tapped her fingers impatiently. "Are you stupid? Can you talk?"

"Si, puedo hablar" if anything her response made the girl frown more. That sick feeling in her stomach was back.

"You're not speaking properly are you broken? Is that why you're so quiet?" The girl gave her a hard look making her sink deeper into her seat which only seemed to please her. A mean glint flashed in her eye before she snatched to red out of the packet, pointing the tip of the crayon at her face. "Mute. I'm calling you Mute." She didn't appreciate how her words sounded but she kept her mouth shut anyway. The girl turned her back on her and she released a small breath.

She hated it here.

A gentle finger poked the side of her face. Grunting in annoyance, she made an attempt to roll away but a heavy weight stopped her from doing so. "Camila come on, mami is waiting." Blinking the sleep out of her eyes Camila squinted up at her sister who sat comfortably perched on her stomach. A cheeky grin spread across her face.

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