Time Has Come Today

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Hey, I'm Kennedy but you can call me Ken. For the last year, I have been running.... running towards something that's not there. Some might say I'm lost but I don't think so, because I know that "thing" I'm running towards going to turn into something sooner or later.

Ever since my mom passed nothing has been the same. I lost my best friend and the only person who I cared for most in this world, but I ain't going to give up and that's on my mommy. I'm going to create my empire, how? I don't know. Stick around to find out.

"Ken, wake your ass up! It's time to make this motherfucking money girl! "

I felt the covers being yanked out of my grip exposing my naked body out for the whole room to see, luckily it was just my homegirl Emiliana.  I sat up covering my boobs with my left arm and reached for my phone which was charging on the nightstand all day long while I took my beauty sleep.

I work at night. No, I'm not a stripper, I'm somewhat of a thief. I find rich boys, slip a little something into their drinks, and rob them of their little rich boy's stuff. But like come on, some of them truly deserve it plus they wouldn't miss it anyway.

I checked the time on my phone. it was 10 at night. I then put my phone back down and looked at Emiliana's beautiful dark skin tone. She wore a black little sparkly dress that snugged her perfect figure perfectly, she was the type who didn't have to try too hard to get what she wanted in this world, all she had to do was smile, and boys would bow down and kiss her feet like they were in some sort of spell.

"You look fucking hot Miss Emi " I said still admiring my friend's body.

"Girl you already know what's up" She laughed.

I smiled and got my ass out of the bed and proceeded to walk to the bathroom then close the door behind me. I began to admire my own body in the mirror. Now, I'm very slim with a six-pack. Yes, you read right "six-pack" and I also have a booty and some big titties if you want to get technical. unlike Emi, I am light skin and have some simple tattoos covering my body. I call them " work of art " while others call it "fucking up my body".

I turn on the water for the shower and hop in and did my usual routine.

I walk out of the bathroom and immediately came in contact with my best friend Dream.

"Bitch about fucking time you came out" she barked at me. "Thought the shower swallow you whole or something" She continues then laughs.

"Look bitch this pussy needs to get real clean for today" i stick my tongue out at her as she and emi laugh.

Dream, on the other hand, is 30 but didn't look a day over 25. She is what people nowadays call "thick".  Technically she has the body every Instagram model wishes they had or already have. small waist huge ass with the thighs to match.

" Yeah girl whatever, hurry up though" she smiled at me headed out of my room to continue to do whatever she and Emiliana were doing.

I quickly dry myself and began to slather lotion on my skin.

I walked into my closet and picked out an outfit for tonight. ( down below 👇)

 ( down below 👇)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2022 ⏰

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