They say

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They say if you don't value life then you should start to smoke, so that you can destroy your lungs and cough and wheeze and choke.

And that if you don't value the mind than you should start to drink, so that you can forget yourself and that you cannot bear to think.

They say these things because they work and make you die sooner, so that you can get on with death, and make your years the fewer.

But there is one thing which people seem to miss, and can make you feel the pain of death day by day without deaths real kiss.

It's something that we all experience at least once in our short lives, it may not be for long and to some come as a surprise.

I talk of nothing physical, nor fake nor weak or strong. I speak of that which leaves a mark which stays around for long.

To truly die and know what it's like you must fall for another, someone who you know you trust and care for like nobody other.

But all you have to do it seems to feel the pain of emptiness, is think the world of someone else and for them to feel for you much much less.

When you truly love a person who does not love you in return, only then will you have known first hand what it's like to leave this world and burn.

The pain you feel when the person you thought truly was the one cannot think you in there future is one with no comparison as to you there is no future.

Once you know that you have no value towards whom you care the most, is when you lose your value of all things and become a simple ghost.

You lose your reason of living, or what reason you thought you had, and now you know that no one else can replace the one who made you glad.

They say if you don't value life then smoke and drink and wait, for your life be cut short 15 years it's original date.

I tell you now, don't listen to what they say or do or think, because I truly know what can make you lose your mind and sink.

I know how to die again and again and I know as I've experienced such, and those who are heartless are often those who cared too much...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2014 ⏰

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