Promises beyond the grave.

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Hello everyone~ :3

I hope that you are all having a great week so far! :D

Well, it is that time again, I am back with a new story for you guys! x3 And this time it is another Toshiro x Soifon story!.

I really like that pairing and quite a few other people seem to do as well :D Although unfortunately there aren't that many fanfics about them, so I decided to make another one!.

As always I apologize beforehand if I made any spelling or grammar mistakes. (English is not my first language)

I also apologize if there is any occ-ness.

Furthermore, I do NOT own Bleach!

Authors note!: I know that this fanfic is stated as a one-shot but I might continue it and turn it into a longer story if enough people would like that!. So please let me know :3


There was a soft autumn breeze present as Toshito made his way through the graveyard, His white captain's coat gently swaying behind him in the wind, a small bouquet of flowers in his hand. He kept walking until he found a certain gravestone. He stopped in front of it, kneeling down and replacing the old flowers with the new ones. He then looked up, a small sad smile appearing on his face.

Rest in piece

Momo Hinamori

The gravestone read.

The short captain of the 10th division reached up, gently caressing the head of the gravestone with his hand. The same sad smile still present on his face. It had almost been a year now since the winter war had ended and he never stopped visiting her gravestone since then. "Well, today is the day that I will fulfill our promise...I just wanted to let you know that. I promise that I won't be alone...I promise..".

It had happened before he even knew it, Aizen had cut her down. And now her body was falling down, blood still spilling from her fresh wound.
His eyes widened and before he even knew it his body had gone on autopilot and he was chasing after her, just in time to catch her broken form. He would land on the top of a huge building, kneeling down and wrapping the icy wings of his Bankai around them, shielding them from any unwanted enemies.

"Hinamori.." He said softly as he gently wiped some blood off of the side of her face with the sleeve of his uniform. His expression softening as tears threatened to spill from his eyes. "P...Please stay with me...".

He would then reach out, gently taking one of her hands in his, it was hard for him not to gasp because of how cold her hand felt in his..oh god..

"S..Shiro...Chan.." She breathed, trying her best to speak clearly.

Toshiro shook his head frequently, tightening his grip on her hand soon after. "N-No it's okay, d-don't your strength, U-Unohana will be here soon, I..I promise".

Momo smiled, slightly shaking her head "N...No Shiro-chan...we both know that I don't..h..have much time left...".This time she almost choked on her words, some blood spilling from her mouth.

This time he couldn't keep it in anymore and tears started to fall down his face "B-But...Hina-".

He was silenced by her shaking her head. Despite the clear pain that she was in she still kept smiling. "P...Please...don't cry S..Shiro...Chan...It doesn't suit you...".

"B-But-" He tried to protest again, But she silenced him once again with a shake of her head.

She reached up, gently caressing the side of his face with her free hand, leaving a small trail of blood behind. Soon after she let her hand fall back at her side since she didn't have much strength left. "S...Shiro-Chan...Please l-listen...a..and promise me this...please don't be alone, even after I am gone, promise me that you'll g...get over me and that you'll find someone. deserve it".

Promises beyond the grave. A Toshiro x Soifon one-shot.Where stories live. Discover now