Birthday Surprises

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I was awaken at an ungodly hour of in the morning by the sounds of someone in the kitchen. I groaned and dragged my body from the warmth of my plush purple comforter and decided to go and check out what was going on. It was obviously my brother, Joel. He loved screwing with my, what he called, “unnatural fear of the dark”. But the dark is a perfectly rational fear. You never know what’s out there, hiding. I passed my brothers room on my way to the staircase and heard snoring. I stopped dead, slowly turned and then ran straight into my brother’s room.

“Joel, Joel, wake up! There’s someone downstairs!” I whispered into his ear while violently shaking him by the shoulders.

“I’m not moving Jul, if you are so curious then go down there yourself.” He said while shooing me with a wave of his hand. Joel was my only current protection; our parents were gone on a business trip and the neighbours we all fast asleep.

“Joel-” I pleaded shaking him once more.

“Just go down and if there is a three headed monster then scream and I’ll be right down.” He teased even in his half asleep state. A three headed monster was the least of my worries, I was thinking more along the lines of a man with a gun or bat waiting for me. It was obvious he wasn’t coming. I took a deep breathe and let out a small whimper. I grabbed the hand light that was on my brother’s night stand and walked slowly towards the door. I descended down the stairs; the banging was slowly growing louder as I drew nearer. I was almost in tears, why had I come down? To prove my brother wrong? To prove myself wrong? I wanted to retreat, run back up the stairs and lock the door to my room. But my feet kept on moving forwards. The small beam of orange light that was coming from the hand light was shaking violently, my breathing was rushed. The kitchen was now in my view and the sounds were loud. I walked through the kitchen door and all the noise stopped, not only that, but I was the only one in the room. I couldn’t see much due to the poor quality light source. My breathing slowly became more regular. I slowly turned to walk out of the kitchen, it was cold in the room and I had chosen to sleep in shorts and a revealing tank top. I was about to step through the door when I was held back by a very strong pair of arms, I started to scream, why had Joel let me come down here by myself? I was crying by now, the person who was holding me had thrown my over their shoulder, I began hitting them with my fist and randomly kicking, trying to aim for their stomach. I heard my brothers quick footsteps rushing down the stairs, the light had turned on. I looked down at my captor, and stopped screaming.

 Jeremy. My boyfriend.

 He put me on the ground and burst into a fit of laughter along with my brother.    

“I hate you both, I swear to God if you ever do that again-” My arms were crossed and I was absolutely livid. Jeremy stopped laughing long enough to talk.

“I’m so sorry love, happy birthday.” He laughed again before engulfing me in a bear hug, which turned into a group hug. All of my other friends came around the corner still trying to control their laughter.

“You guys all suck royally.” I said breaking away.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2014 ⏰

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