Phase One: The Beginning

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Earth had people. Everyone knows this, but what the humans don't know is there is extraterrestrial life. There's millions of planets, galaxies, and the Multiplex Cosmos. Valor is one of those planets, and it becomes the new Earth.

Jagos, the creator of extraterrestrial life and the Multiplex Cosmos (MC), walked down the Path of Gods, where statues of every god was built. As of year 7, there were only 2 gods, him and God. There worked together to try and make life just like themselves, for they were getting lonely. After 20 years, they made the first human Opminiukerkas. They let him make his own name. It was shortened to Omik. He continued to thrive in the Path of Gods and Jagos and God created more planets, and experimented with stars. On Kosta 3, year 43, a bright blinded Jagos and then everything went dark. He woke up on blue dirt with a giant ring in the atmosphere, a planet he name Jalekakaka.

Jalekakaka was his first planet he every made. He had no time to wonder what was happening, but to find God. He shouted "God! Father, where are you?!". He continued this for minutes on end. Jagos gave up and sat against the Lusa tree, the first tree every made. This time, the bark was green and leaves were brown. The sky started to turn brown as a dark figure hovered above him.

"No questions. We must find God before The Seven Deadly Sins do."
"Ok, just answer this, who are you?"
"I am Mr. Death, the Reaper of Souls. You don't know what either of those are, but we must go."

Jagos grabbed Mr. Deaths hand. Everything swirled around and he flew into the air. The void engulfed them. All dark. He could still feel the rough skin of Mr. Deaths hand, wondering what souls and death were.

"We're here." Said Mr. Death.
"But there's nothing here."
"Look down."

Jagos did and there it was, Earth, but Jagos didn't know at the time. The zoomed down, and he started to get hot. Jagos could see God and seven other people standing in the circle. It looked as if they were arguing.

"Ok, we're going to go down there, and kill the Seven weird people, alright?"
"Um ok, but what does kill mean?"
"Take their lives away, make them nonexistent."

Jagos boosted off of Mr. Deaths leg and fell in the middle of the circle.

"Take his life too! We will not have two gods!"
"Wrath, we shall not kill without a purpose." Replied Pride.
"But why are we killing God? That's just too much work." Added Sloth.
"Hmm, but I want Gods power! He does not deserve this!"

God looked up at Jagos and smiled. It was strange, he had a thorn crown on. Jagos was bewildered and kept looking back and forth between the SDS and God. He tried to think of Torsatial, his powerful sword, which can kill anything. It started to appear in his hands but then Mr. Death unhinged his jaw and sucked the souls of the SDS.

"You can not kill us, we are immortal...!" Yelled Lust as she her soul was devoured.

All that was left was there bodies.

"They're not dead. Their bodies are still alive, but their souls are trapped in Amulet of Kar. Its an amulet that holds souls."
"Interesting, but I need help." Said God.
"With what? We have everything! And plus, what is this place?" Asked Jagos.
"Earth, this place is. I'm wanting to make life, just like Omik. Humans is what I call them."
"But didn't Omik take 3 years to make? Imagine how long it would take!"
"It took 3 years to THINK about, but not to create."

God, Jagos, and Mr. Death returned to the Path of Gods, where Omik built a cabin with a windmill. He ran up to God and hugged him. It's important to note that Omik did not have the ability to speak, but could read and write.

"How did you do this in a short a span of time?" God asked.
"He didn't. We were gone for about 5 years, knocked out. I mean, at least you two were." Mr. Death replied. "After that Big Bang, the SDS were born, out of just debris."
"Strange, but we must start creating a new human, someone which can make more humans with Omik. The cycle will go on forever."
"Someone who Omik can make humans with? They're not celestials though!"
"No, they will reproduce, which will make fetuses and the fetuses will grow into humans, and then they will reproduce."
"Ok, but how will that work?"
"You'll see."

God sat on the ground and closed his eyes. On the pedestal that was next to the stairs that was connect to the path, feet started to grow, then legs, and all the way to the head. A female, what Mr. Death called it, was standing on the pedestal. Omik looked up and so did the female, in which Jagos named Kaisis. They took Omik and Kaisis to Earth, and taught them everything a simple human should know. After one year, they had 7 small kids.

Mr. Death soon found out a secret. Someone named Lucifer has been born from an asteroid hitting Jalekakaka, destroying most of the planet in the process. Mr. Death told God first, and God let Lucifer enter the Path of Gods. He hired him to help them with the humans. He named these people 'Angels'.

Lucifer started pulling tricks on the humans, and this angered God. He banned him from ever entering the Path of Gods. God planted the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the garden of Eden. Eve decided to take a bite after Lucifer, as a serpent, tricked her into eating it. This released sin.

The sin got to Jagos when he went to Earth and came back to the Path of Gods. God was waiting for him.

"You went, didn't you."
"Yes, and now I know..."
"Know what?" God asked as he stood up.
"Why I should kill you!" He yelled as jumped onto God and stabbed him multiple times in the chest. Mr. Death came from the void behind God and sucked his soul.
"We did it..." Jagos said as he fell backwards.
"For what though?"
"To get that rat out of here. We have the power to control this whole universe, even the MC!"
"True, but what if Korsata kills us?"
"But she's my wife of 287 years. She has no sin."
"What if you turn?"
"I won't, I will control this universe better than God could ever do."

Jagos sat on the throne, crossed his legs and closed his eyes. An asteroid appears in the sky. It was heading straight to Earth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2019 ⏰

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