419 10 2

I've been here for as long as I could remember. I was taken here at a young age.

I was curled up in a ball trying to get some sleep, when the voice over the intercom in the small, trying to imitate the outside, room.

"Attention subject referred to, by the children, Tom: You will be getting another 'monster' in that cage of yours," she sighed." You will welcome it as if it was your family. Remember, play nice"

The double doors quickly opened while, holy shit, a GINORMOUS demon looking thing stumbled into the room. I stood up, my purple nose slowly perking up in curiosity of the 'intruder'.

The demon had two pairs of wings; both red fading into black. It also had two horns  pertruding from his forehead, and a black skinny tail swishing back and forth behind his massive build.

The devil himself was standing in the corner of my room while I'm trying to sleep.

It smirked seeing the terrified yet curious look on my face. He slowly stepped to my petrified body. I backed up with every step he made.

I cursed at myself feeling the familiar feeling of metal hit my back.

He soon stood in front of me," hello little thing."He said, getting closer to me.

"L-leave me a-alone," I mentally cursed myself for stuttering.

He laughed," Aww you're so cute when you stutter! But, I'll leave you alone for today"

~The Next Day~

"All animals, proceed to the nearest exit for the children to see," the intercom interrupted my sleep, and probably the other beast in the room.

I got up, walking to the double doors with that demon behind me.

Today was another day of letting children pet me like I was a dog. I looked like a woman with patchy purple skin, two small purple that fades into black horns on my head, and one kinda thick purple tail swaying behind me.

That demon thought it was a good idea to pull my tail. Causing me to make a noise I didn't want to make while he snickered. That fucking sadist. I growled and he let go, but not after slowly bringing his hand down my tail. Causing me to make another noise.

"I swear to all the nonexistent gods out there, you can't do that in front of the children who are here!" I scolded him.

He chuckled while we made our way outside while a HUGE group of children  surrounded a small clearing.

(I was gonna end it at 420 words, but eh)

All of their faces lit up at seeing me. I smiled, and they all started to run up to me.

They started to hug me, some pushing others off to get a chance.

Not one looked at the demon behind me until he started to pet me head.

All of their tiny heads looked over at the one who the hand belonged to. I just started to purr when he started to scratch behind my purple elf-like ear.

The kids all started to follow in suit to make me smile. I just leaned into their hands. The demon chuckled, which brought all of the kids' attention back to him. The scratching stopped, and they started to pile on him; doing the exact thing they were doing to me. I giggled seeing him fall down.

When he glared up at me, I just started to laugh harder; which brought the kids' attention back to me. Making half of the large group tackle me down as well. I yelped as they made me fall from the weight.

All of us started to laugh, while they just pet both of us.

When the kids stopped coming, and the day was coming to a close. We could go back to the room we were at before.

"Lights out, you two," the nicer lady was on the intercom this time.

The doors closed behind us. We were out like a light.

(666 words not including these)

TordTomWhere stories live. Discover now