Chapter One: Until next time

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"Until next time." Ben said with a smile. He outstretched his arms to hug Joe and the pair hugged tightly. Ben took his suitcase and walked into the airport, feeling kind of numb to be leaving Joe to go back to London. Joe watched Ben walk away, feeling equally as empty to be parting from his soulmate. Ben took a seat, sighed and pulled out his headphones to listen to music. I wanna be yours by Arctic monkeys came on, Ben smiled and shook his head as the song somehow reminded him of Joe. Ben's melancholic feelings were interrupted though as the flight information board flashed up as 'ALL FLIGHTS CANCELLED' Ben stared at the sign. "no way." He thought "There's no way all the bloody flights are cancelled." He stood up to look closer at the sign, as other people who has also noticed the message flashing up were getting unsettled and talking louder amongst themselves. It didn't take long before the staff at the airport were being hounded by angry groups of people confused by why their flights had been cancelled. Many people talking over each other and pushing each other out of the way to get to the service desk, it was becoming chaotic. The security at the airport were quick to get to the scene and were trying to calm the situation. "There has been some kind of technical fault we are doing our best to figure out the cause of the problem, but for the safety of thousands of people all flights are cancelled!" Ben looked on his phone and looked at the BBC news page. "Oh Jesus." He said to himself as he scrolled through pages of reports saying there were possible terrorist attacks in London causing mass hysteria on the streets, riots and huge disruptions to flights all over the world. He tried to call his mum back in London to check if she was ok but he had lost signal. "Shit!" He started panicking. "How long are our flights going to be delayed for?" shouted a man in the angry crowd "Until further notice." replied a security guard. "We're being told this is happening all over the world now, it's not just us." Another security guard retorted loudly. Ben walked out of the airport trying to get a signal, once he did he called Joe. Luckily Joe answered "Ben are you ok?" Joe sounded worried "I've been trying to call you I heard there's been terrorist attacks in London, thousands of flights have been cancelled!" He sounded panicked. "Yeah I know my flight has been cancelled too, until further notice, could be days." Ben sounded so anxious. "Ben breathe, stay calm, I'm coming to get you." Joe said calmly.

Ten minutes later Joe arrived and Ben put his luggage in the back and got in next to Joe. "Guess you'll be staying with me a little longer." Joe smiled, trying to lighten the mood and lift Ben's spirits. Ben half smiled and breathed out slowly. "I just hope my family is ok." Ben said quietly. Joe squeezed his knee "We'll get hold of them when we get home ok?" Joe said softly, Ben nodded.

The drive back to Joe's house was completely chaotic, it was singularly the most terrifying car journey either of them had been in. Cars swerving all over the road, car wrecks at the side of the road smoke everywhere, there was even a lorry lying on it's side in the middle of the road. "What the fuck is going on!?" Joe shouted. "I have no fucking idea!" screamed a terrified Ben, tears welling in his eyes at the apocalyptic sight. "People are driving like they want to die!" Shouted Joe. "Everyone is freaking the fuck out!" His voice sounded raspy. "Please Joe, just concentrate on driving!" Said Ben, trying to stay calm. Joe breathed slowly. "We're nearly home." Joe said trying to regain composure.

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