Chapter 1

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I was sleeping peace fully till my alarm rang and my brother who had barged in my room.

"Get up oh and I'm not driving you to school"

"You never do so I dont know why you are talking"

Just then I felt a hand run across my face, I kinda got lucky usually he would hit me first and slap me last.

"Don't make me ruin your face and make every one see how ugly you actually are"

Before I could say anything he walked out. I got up off of my bed and went to my bathroom and did my daily routine.

I walked out of my house locking the door behind me.

Yoongi POV

"I'm so proud of you son"

"Your only saying that because you never want me here in this house"

"Yoongi don't say such things"

"But it's true in this house I never get the support I need it's only abuse!! "

I stomped out of my house before they could hit me. All they want from me is my money and want me to be a drug dealer.

I started walking to the bus when I saw my girlfriend waiting right there for me.

"Yoongi baby"
She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me.

"Hey Layla"

"So I was wondering if you can buy me another bag"

"What happened to the other bag I got you"

"Well um it's getting old and my dad doesn't want me to waste more money even tho we have millions so can you buy me one"

"I don't know maybe"

Layla thought I was stupid she was always asking for money and more stuff. But in reality she will just give it to her friends and say she bought it.

°At school°


y first class was math very boring but there was a girl that I have never seen before... I think her name was    Y/n .... Oh yes that was it.

"Hey guys, dude have y'all seen the new girl she's pretty cute"

"Oh yeah she is, but she got an attitude I tried talking to her and she snapped back"

"Haha she doesn't like you"

"Yeah like she would totally fall in love with Jungkook so quick "

"You never know"

We all just sat around in the cafeteria talking till school was over. There was usually really nothing good or interesting that the others always talked about. Besides none of them would feel the same things as I feel well I've also never really thought of me sharing what I felt I just wanted to keep it a secret.

Y/n Pov

School was over and I had to walk home like always, my brother never cared if we lived far or if it was raining. As for my luck it started raining. I speed walked to my house.

at home

As I opened the door I saw my brother waiting right there, he was probably drunk again like always.

"How was school"

"Why should you care you never care about me so why don't you just go drink and die"

Before I could walk away he pulled me by my hair making me fall on the floor and  he hit my arm with his bottle, and when I looked down I saw blood dripping, his bottle was broken on purpose.

"Pick up all of this mess now! "

"Why should I listen to you all you do is hurt me if you want something do it for your self!!!!"

I got up and ran to my room locking the door closed. He never cared about me when my mom and dad left he started hating me. My parents never wanted a girl they only wanted guys. They took care of me but always hurt me even tho I was a baby.

Just then the door bust open and my brother came in he hit my hurt arm and slapped me, he then took out his knife and put it on my cheek.

"Next time you talk to me like that I will finish you"

He pushed me back and left the room I fell on my bed wishing how my family would be like if I was born perfect. Then there was a slight hit on my window I didn't feel like checking till the second hit. When I checked the window I saw him.

He looked familiar.

I got up and opened my window.

"What do you want? And who are you? "

??? :
"I go to your school and I saw everything are yo-"

Before he could finish I shut the window and lowered my blinds. I don't want people to know how I feel I don't want people to say they care about me but in reality they don't they just say stuff to make me happy.

I walked up to my closet and picked out my work outfit. I had to work for money sense my brother would never spend a penny on me.
Once I picked out my outfit I went to the restroom and changed.

At her job

When I entered my job I saw my best friend Namjoon, even though we are super close I've never came out with the idea of telling him my real life.

"Hey Y/n there's ganna be a party tomorrow if you want to come"

"Oh alright I'll think about it"

I got behind the cashier and waited till more people came in and ordered their meals or drinks. Just then 6 guys walked in and all greeted Namjoon, I assumed they were his friends.
I was minding my own business till one of them walked up to me.

??? :
"Hi Y/n"

I looked up at him and then recognized he was the kid at the window.

"Don't talk to me if you need anything you can ask Namjoon"

I was going to walk away till the words that came out of his mouth stopped me from walking away.


Hey guys this is my new story I hope y'all enjoy this story. Also please leave in the comments your feelings about this story. And also I may not be able to publish on time I have other stories to do in a different app. Three stories well one is a collaboration with one of my friend so yeah. Anyway I hope y'all enjoy I will publish the next chapter today or tomorrow.


Words: 1110

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