The world is full of noise.
Humans talk.
They travel.
All of them going different paths to different destinations.
Continuously letters are strung together to form words, to form sentences.
Some say humans talk too much.
Sometimes you might agree.
Sometimes you think that talking is a waste of words.
Words are unlimited.
Time is not.
Sometimes people observe the world for themselves.
Say only what must be said.
Sometimes people observe the world from the symphony of communication we all make as we talk.
Others create the world with new ideas.
Sometimes people fill the world with their noise.
Sometimes they don't.
Sometimes people observe the world.
Sometimes people don't observe the world.
Some share the world with others.
Some see the world for others.
Some keep what they see to themselves.
They listen.
They observe.
They keep all of their thoughts and ideas sealed within their minds.
Some might never know them.
Sometimes people talk more than necessary.
Sometimes people disagree about things that aren't important.
Since when was anything important?
Everything has always been important.
Every thought, idea, and observation is worth something.
Its worth might be good or bad.
It still has worth.
Quiet can be good.
It can give people time to rest their minds.
It can help some people feel at ease.
Being quiet can also be good.
Sometimes it allows others a chance to think and communicate.
Sometimes it allows others to share their ideas and what they see.
What do you see?
You see what your mind allows you to see.You see and observe.
Some people see what others don't.
Some people observe and talk to few.
Some people like to talk.
Some people don't.
Weather it's a person who talks a lot or a person who talks little, everything they say has worth.
Listen.Sometimes quiet is bad.
Some people are always waiting.
Sometimes someone is hurting.
Sometimes people just watch and say nothing.
They wait.
Sometimes people don't show that they have feelings.
Everyone has feelings.
Sometimes people change.
Change can be good or bad,
Change can help a person feel better.
Change can make a person feel worse.
It can destroy worlds.
It can create new ones.
Change can help a person see from a different point of view.
It can be peaceful or destructive.
So can silence.
Silence is quiet.
Quiet is not always silent.
Silence has no sound.
There is always sound.
Quiet can be silent.
Quiet cam be loud.
It depends on the person you ask.
No matter were you go, quiet is quiet.