Locked in a Silence

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Once upon a time, in a land far, far away... we'll, it's not that far, maybe a couple hundred kilometres. Okay, saying that now, maybe it's a little far. But back to the story.

So, I'm sure you've heard the tale of a sickly woman, whose husband swiped some lettuce from the garden beyond a grand wall. Little did the pathetic old thief know, it was the all powerful enchantress from whom he stole. The enchantress, whose name was Gothel, dove out the Window of her towering villa, landing gracefully among the roses. She strode towards the withering man, he was stunned by her beauty, so when she let him off with a warning, he mumbled to himself as he walked away, hands empty. The following night, the old man retuned once more, forgetting his oath. He was caught since more, and the enchantres told him, that in exchange for his life, he would bring forth his first born child, and give it to gothel. Shortly after, his wife fell pregnant, and sure enough, the man snuck out with his newborn child, and presented it to the enchantress. "Ahh. A daughter. She will serve my purposes well." And with a snap of her fingers, gothel and the girl disappeared into the dead of night.

Then gothel locks her away in a tower, blah blah blah, prince comes to save her, blah blah blah, they all lived happily ever after. Blah. Blah. Blah. All that's true, up until all the hogwash about the prince saving her. Now that, that is a viciously untrue lie concocted to bring pleasure and joy to all who heard the pitiful tale of the stolen child, to lull them into thinking that there was no plight, no trouble, no strife. That all was well. To that I say, FAKE NEWS. Heed my words, all was most certainly not well. This is the real story. This, is my story.

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