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"Oh, you're here again." His husky voice ringed in her ears as he walked towards her with his hands in his pocket.

She turned around as soon as she heard that his footsteps were close, "Why yes I am." she grinned.

The boy chuckled, hands still in his pockets, he asked, "what is it again?what happened?and omg your face!"

"do I have to have a reason to come up here? Maybe I just wanted to enjoy the scenery and also I fell down, no biggie." She folded her arms.

"Well, I know you're not just enjoying the scenery, you're probably trying to clear your mind of everything that happened and I mean if you don't want to tell me what happened than that's fine, I'm not forcing." The boy shrugged.

"You know, you talk too much. I'm bored." The girl pretended to yawn, making the boy clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"Can I at least know who did it to you?" He said, hands folded.

"I said I fell." She smiled and turned around to look at the sky that was turning pink while Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"I'm not dumb, Mina."

"I didn't said you were." the words that came out of her mouth caused taehyung to sigh in frustration.

this girl sure is a mystery.

Wind blowing in their direction, both their hair were blown back and they smiled, enjoying the breeze.

It was once again, another usual evening, nothing out of the ordinary.

[A/N : let's go back to a few hours earlier, should we?]

" move." The girl was pushed onto the ground, causing a loud thud and all eyes on her.

Her eyes scanned the hallway, seeing people giggling, pointing at her and even laughing out loud , she felt embarrassed.

"I'm sorry." Mina immediately bowed and tried to grab all her books that were scattered onto the ground and stand up.


When she was about to grab onto the last book, someone stepped onto it first. She looked up and sighed.

"P-please give it back..." her voice came out as soft as if she was talking to herself.

"What?What did you say? Did someone hear a rat?" The guy, Jeon Jungkook said and everyone bursted into laughter.

Mina gritted her teeth. To think that she got a crush on him before made her feel foolish. How could she not see this coming? She found his kind words and actions suspicious but to have this treatment right after she confessed was a bit unexpected.

"Jungkook, p-please..." She stood up slowly, looking at him with eyes that showed how sad she was.


"w-what?" Mina thought she had heard wrong.

"I said beg.for.it." Jungkook put on a smug face as glared the poor girl down.

"w-what? No!" Mina blurted out, causing a frown on Jungkook's face.

"then you're not getting it back. And also, you dare disobey me?" His eyes darkened and he leaned in closer.

Mina felt small and intimidated. She felt scared.

"p-please stop..." Mina looked down, not being able to look at Jungkook in the eyes.

then, she felt a sharp pain at her scalp. he was pulling her hair.

she cried in pain, whacking his arm, begging him to stop but it was to no avail. everyone just stood there, smiles on their faces as they watched a poor girl being dragged away by the school's famous boy, Jeon Jungkook.

and then, you wouldn't want to know or even imagine what he did to her.

hello, everyone ! I'm back with a new book!! How do you like it so far? It's a little depressing because I'm a sadist and I like to write sad stories oOpS

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