The road trip

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Anabya placed breakfast on the table. Her husband came in the dining room while wiping his hands clean and sit on the table.She started spreading butter on breads and placed on his plate .Meanwhile,he poured some tea on the cup.In the quite environment,a loud horn broke their peace .Anabya gasped.A car entered in their Villa area .
"Ana" someone yelled by her name.Anabya knew the voice.Its happy,her friend.The door of her house was already opened and Happy stepped inside their living area calling her name worriedly.
Her husband looked at her with wide eyes while eating.
"Happy??" Anabya looked at Happy's worried face and asked "what happened ?"
"Ana ..there is a bad news" Happy was worried as hell. Anabya grabbed a glass of water .
"calm down first"
Happy gulped down water hurriedly and looked at Anabya still worried.
"Tell me what happened?"
"Ana..Shubbu met with an accident.She is in coma..very less chances to survive..we have to go "
"WHAT?" Anabya gasped .Her husband looked at her while getting up from chair.She looked at him with a shock.Her husband nodded at her and said" Habibty I think you should go , your friend needs you"
She looked at him "but what about you"
"Don't worry about me I'll manage ,go meet to your friend " She nodded and hurriedly ran to grab her wallet.Both Happy and Anabya left the Villa .Happy opened the car door and Anabya sat inside the front passenger seat quickly
"What happened to her Happy?In which hospital she is admitted ?"
"The hospital which is on the way of highway ..but before that we have to take our other girls too"
Happy told her while buckled her seatbelt .Anabya nodded to her & buckled up herself.Happy drives off towards the way to Monica's home.

After reaching at the sector,Happy drives towards the jogging lane.
Soon both Happy and Anabya saw Monica jogging on the lane .Happy drives her car towards Monica.
"Moniiiii" Anabya yelled calling her while Happy horned at her."Moni"
Moni couldn't hear her because she was wearing headphones.Happy drives her car towards her ,the moment their car reached near Monica,Anabya pulled her hand out of window and showed at Moni.Moni looked at her & smiled while removing the headphones.
"Moni.. Shubbu is hospitalized "
Happy hault her car.Moni froze on her place "WHAT?"
"Come and sit inside Moni,shubbu don't have much time left"
Happy said .Moni gasped in a shock.She immediately get in the car and sat behind.
"OMG what happened to her ?In which hospital she has been admitted?"
"She met with an accident " Happy said while driving.
"She is in the hospital, on the way of highway " Anabya said.Monica gasped .
"ya we have to go there but before we have to pick up khushi and amu"
Happy drives off ahead .

Khushi was getting ready to meet a family for marriage.She has got a proposal of marriage from one boy.His family is coming today to meet her and discuss further.Khushi always liked that boy.He was her crush.She looks more than happy today.
The doorbell ringed so many times.She flinched cause of the sudden noise .
"Is he arrived ?" she thought while checking the time.
"Khushiiiii" "khushhhhhi" "khushi"
she got up when she heard familiar voices calling her name .She quickly came out of her room wearing designer salwar suit.
"Guyss " Khushi looked surprised seeing all of her friends and saw their worried faces too.
Anabya "Shubbu"
Happy " accident"
Monica "hospitalized"
"WHAT!!" Khushi blurted shockingly.
Khushi Happy Anabya Monica hurriedly ran towards the car and sat inside.Anabya sat in the front while Khushi and Monica sat behind.
"In which hospital she has been admitted?'' Khushi asked .
"Hospital on the way of highway"
Monica said.
Happy drives ahead towards Amruta's office.


Amruta was in a meeting giving a presentation.Suddnely her phone vibrated.She looked at the screen and Happy's name flashed.She silent her phone & continue her presentation.Her phone vibrated again.She looked at the screen and four messages flashed one by one.The message has only one common thing written on it
"Shubbu is hospitalized"
"Shit " she cursed and looked at everyone "Umm..I'm sorry it's an emergency..someone is admitted in hospital and I've to go.This presentation will be continued some other time " Saying this she left her office hurriedly and stepped inside the elevator.
After coming out from elevator she ran towards the door and stepped outside.She saw Happy ,Monica , Khushi ,Anabya waiting for her standing near the car.
"How did it happen?When it happened?where is she admitted?" Amruta asked.
Everybody get inside the car .
"She is in the hospital on the way of highway" Monica told her.
Happy drives ahead .

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2019 ⏰

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